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retail trade  See retailing.
Retailer  A firm engaged primarily in retailing.
Physical facilities  The building- including its location, size, design, and layout-that serves as a store for a retail firm.
Shopping center  A planned grouping of retail stores that lease space in a structure that is typically owned by a single organization and that can accommodate multiple tenants.
Corporate chain  An organization of two or more centrally owned and managed stores that generally handle the same lines of products.
Independent retailer  A company with a single retail store that is not affiliated with a contractual vertical marketing system.
Contractual vertical marketing system  An arrangement under which independent firms-producers, wholesalers, and retailers-operate under contracts specifying how they will operate in order to improve their distribution efficiency and effectiveness.
Retailer cooperative  A type of contractual vertical marketing system that is formed by a group of small retailers who agree to establish and operate a wholesale warehouse.
Voluntary chain  A type of contractual vertical marketing system that is sponsored by a wholesaler who enters into a contract with interested retailers.
Franchising  A type of contractual vertical marketing system that involves a continuing relationship in which a franchiser (the parent company) provides the right to use a trademark plus various management assistance in return for payments from a franchisee (the owner of the individual business unit).
product and trade name franchising  A distribution agreement under which a supplier (the franchiser) authorizes a dealer (the franchisee) to sell a product line, using the parent company's trade name for promotional purposes.
franchising  A type of contractual vertical marketing system that involves a continuing relationship in which a franchiser (the parent company) provides the right to use a trademark plus various management assistance in return for payments from a franchisee (the owner of the individual business unit).
Business format franchising  An agreement, covering an entire method (or format) for operating a business, under which a successful business sells the right to operate the same business in different geographic areas.
Department store  A large-scale retail institution that has a very broad and deep product assortment, tries not to compete on the basis of price, and offers a wide array of customer services.
Discount retailing  A retailing approach that uses price as a major selling point by combining comparatively low prices and reduced costs of doing business.
Discount store  A large-scale retail institution that has a broad and shallow product assortment, low prices, and few customer services.
Supercenter  A combination of a discount house and a complete grocery store.
Limited-line store  A type of retail institution that has a narrow but deep product assortment and customer services that vary from store to store.
Specialty store  A type of retail institution that has a very narrow and deep product assortment (often concentrating on a specialized product line or even part of a specialized product line), that usually strives to maintain manufacturers' suggested prices and that typically provides at least standard customer services.
Off-price retailer  A type of retail institution, often found in the areas of apparel and shoes, that has a narrow and deep product assortment, low prices, and few customer services.
Category-killer store  A type of retail institution that has a narrow but very deep assortment, low prices, and few to moderate customer services. It is designed to "destroy" all competition in a specific product category.
Supermarket retailing  A retailing method that features several related product lines, a high degree of self-service, largely centralized checkout, and competitive prices.
Supermarket  A type of retail institution that has a moderately broad and moderately deep product assortment spanning groceries and some nonfood lines, that offers relatively few customer services, and that ordinarily emphasizes price in either an offensive or defensive way.
Convenience store  A type of retail institution that concentrates on convenience-oriented groceries and nonfoods, typically has higher prices than other grocery stores, and offers few customer services.
Warehouse club  A combined retailing and wholesaling institution that has a very broad but very shallow product assortment, very low prices, few customer services, and is open only to members. Same as wholesale club.
Nonstore retailing  Retailing activities resulting in transactions that occur away from a retail store.
Direct selling  A form of nonstore retailing in which personal contact between a sales person and a consumer occurs away from a retail store. Sometimes called in-home selling.
Telemarketing  A form of nonstore retailing in which a sales person initiates contact with a shopper and also closes the sale over the telephone.
Automatic vending  A form of nonstore retailing where the products are sold through a machine with no personal contact between the buyer and seller.
Online retailing  Electronic transactions made over the Internet in which the purchaser is the ultimate consumer.
Direct marketing  A form of nonstore retailing that uses advertising to contact consumers who, in turn, purchase products without visiting a retail store.

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