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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The service profit chain defines the relationship between:
A)Service and profitability
B)Reduced service costs and profitability
C)Employee satisfaction and profitability
D)Supply chains and service profitability
Which of the following is not an advantage of using employee teams?
A)Different perspectives are brought to the project.
B)Teams can reduce the project duration.
C)Teams increase "buy-in."
D)Teams reduce labor costs.
A common reason why teams are ineffective is that:
A)Team members are lazy.
B)Team members are not provided the necessary training in the skills and techniques needed.
C)Team supervisors insist on doing all of the fun tasks.
D)Team leaders get seduced by the power they have.
Cross training:
A)Increases the flexibility of workers
B)Decreases mistakes made by workers
C)Uses stress as a motivator
D)Reduces the effectiveness of workers by preventing focus
An advantage of having contact employees dominate the customer interaction instead of organization policies is:
A)Employees never follow rules and policies anyway.
B)Employees can customize.
C)Customers will not force employees to violate rules.
D)Labor costs will be lower
An advantage of using predetermined motion times over a stop watch time study is:
A)It can be done secretly.
B)Predetermined motion times are more accurate.
C)Stop watch time studies can't include allowances.
D)Stop watch time studies require observing too many people.
A key advantage of using contingent workers is:
A)Contingent workers give the employer greater flexibility.
B)Contingent workers work harder than permanent workers.
C)Contingent workers require less supervision then permanent workers.
D)Contingent workers are more quality-minded than permanent workers.
If observations made during a work sampling study are not truly random:
A)The study will anger employees.
B)The study will underestimate the amount of time employees goof off.
C)The results of the study will not truly represent how employees spend their time.
D)The study will have less random fluctuation.
If the estimate of the learning rate is 86%, but the actual learning rate turns out to be 89%:
A)The actual time an employee takes to complete the task will be 3% less than expected.
B)The actual time an employee takes to complete the task will be 3% more than expected.
C)The actual time an employee takes to complete the task can be more than 3% more than expected.
D)The actual time an employee takes will be the same as what was expected anyway.
A "steep" learning curve means that:
A)Employees improve rapidly.
B)Employees improve slowly.
C)It is hard for employees to repeat the task.
D)The task is repeated very infrequently.

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