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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is true of police corruption?
A)crime and corruption are more prevalent in policing than in most other occupations
B)virtually every urban police department in the U.S. has experienced organized corruption
C)it is related to high crime rates and widespread demands for illegal goods and services
D)all of the above
Which of the following was NOT discussed as a form of police corruption?
A)meals and services
B)private security
Which is NOT a common interpretation of police corruption?
A)the society-at-large explanation
B)the truth and justice explanation
C)The structural explanation (influences within police departments)
D)the rotten-apple explanation
What occurred in the 1960s to bring attention to police misconduct?
A)the "criminal law revolution" carried on by the Supreme Court
B)the findings of the Kerner Commission
C)the ruling in Brown v. Mississippi
D)a and b only
E)all of the above
Which of the following was NOT discussed as true of the Kerner Commission?
A)it was more formally known as the National Advisory
B)it targeted the issue of street justice and investigated the causes of riots and destruction in several large cities
C)it closed down several police departments as a result of its findings concerning police brutality
D)it identified police practices in inner cities as the primary cause of violence in inner-city areas
Police brutality has been found to be associated with?
A)police officers' unrestricted use of force
B)characteristics of the police "working personality"
C)watchman style police departments
D)all of the above
Dissatisfactions with internal police review boards include?
A)the boards cannot be impartial to their fellow officers
B)police officers and departments were insulated from public accountability
C)officers were rarely disciplined as a result of their actions
D)all of the above
Purposes of citizen controlled review boards included all of the following EXCEPT?
A)to restrain officers who engaged in brutality, harassment, and other illegal practices
B)to handle police officer complaints about unfair policies
C)to ensure an impartial investigation of complaints against police officers
D)to explain police procedures to citizens
Preventive control of police misconduct involves?
A)internal accountability where members are responsible for their own actions
B)tight supervision of police officers by administrators and other staff
C)a move toward the abolition of formal procedures that inadvertently lead to corruption
D)all of the above
Misconduct by the police such as illegal activities for economic gain and accepting gratuities, favors or payment for services that are a part of their normal peacekeeping role such as kickbacks, shakedowns, and case fixing is referred to as police corruption.
The slippery slope hypothesis suggests that police corruption begins with small, seemingly harmless activities such as accepting money in place of traffic tickets, and then extends to more serious crimes.
The "watchman's style" of policing attempts to curb organized corruption, discriminatory arrests, and unnecessary police violence.
Dating back to the Middle Ages, under common law police were authorized to use deadly force as a last resort to apprehend a fleeing felon.
Police professionalism implies that brutality and corruption are symptoms of incompetent policing.
Tennessee v. Garner, the Supreme Court emphasized that deadly force may not be used unless it is necessary to prevent the escape of a suspect for whom there is reasonable cause to believe a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.

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