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Identity formation in infants and toddlers is influenced by what children learn from their caregivers and then incorporate into their sense of self. By reading messages and reactions from caregivers each child comes to understand
A)which behaviors are appropriate.
B)how messages are received and acted upon.
C)which, and of what intensity level, one can safely display emotions.
D)All of the above
Important reasons for studying the emotional environment in an infant-toddler setting are:
A)To clarify the way the people with whom the children interact influence their identity formation
B)To understand how attachment or lack of it influences children's perceptions of and feelings about themselves
C)To explore how self-concept comes from body image as well as cultural and gender identification
D)All of the above
If a caregiver has negative feelings about a child in his or her care,
A)the situation is hopeless and the caregiver or child should be removed.
B)it's best for the caregiver to just hide those feelings.
C)one solution is for the caregiver to pay very close attention to the child, try to understand him or her, and see the world from the child's perspective.
D)All of the above
When helping children gain a positive sense of self it is important to
A)focus constantly on what they can't do so they can improve and feel good about themselves.
B)help children who have physical disabilities to have a positive self-image by constantly comparing them with children who have no disabilities so they are motivated to work hard to become like those children.
C)pay special attention to whatever abilities children have (whether they have disabilities or not) and emphasize what they can do rather than what they can't do.
D)None of the above
A multicultural curriculum in an infant-toddler setting includes:
A)Studying the cultures of the world by focusing on a country each week
B)Serving food from a number of cultures around the world
C)Focusing on cultural differences in caregiving practices and finding out what parents do, why, and what they want for their children. What outcomes do they expect from their practices?
D)All of the above
When parents and caregivers have very different ideas about what's best for babies,
A)the caregiver should always stand his or her ground and keep trying to convince the parent, no matter what.
B)the caregiver should always give in to the parent, because it's the parent's child.
C)the caregiver should sneak around and do what he or she believes and not tell the parent.
D)None of the above
Caregivers can expand children's ideas of gender identity by
A)separating the boys' toys from the girls'.
B)monitoring one's own remarks to catch those related to gender inequities and observing one's own actions in order to be a good model of expanded gender roles.
C)let children watch more television because gender roles are usually clearly delineated in the programs as well as in the commercials.
D)None of the above
Ideas for discipline that don't tear down children's self-esteem include the following except:
A)Defining unacceptable behavior and then dealing with all children equally without being influenced by the age of the child
B)Changing the situation—like giving more or fewer choices, depending on the caregiver's perception of what kind of change is needed
C)Teaching children socially-acceptable behavior
D)Using prevention and redirection instead of punishment
Time-out is a strategy for changing behavior that
A)is never designed to be punishment.
B)may work for some children if what they need is time alone to gather themselves together and regain control.
C)is universally accepted by all cultures as an appropriate substitute for spanking.
D)All of the above
The goal of guidance and discipline is
A)to help the child establish inner controls.
B)to teach the child that discipline comes from an outside authority.
C)not a subject everyone agrees about.
D)All of the above
Body awareness:
A)begins in adolescence.
B)is more important for girls than boys.
C)is a major task of infants and toddlers.
D)remains the same throughout the lifespan.
Infants and toddlers learn about gender from ____________ in their environment
D)All of the above
Which of the following is an example of redirection?
A)Giving a ball to a child who is throwing a toy car.
B)Distracting a child who is experiencing separation anxiety.
C)Giving a cookie to a crying child.
D)Putting an infant in timeout.

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