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Medical Glossary G-L
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gait  The way a person walks, consisting of two phases: stance and swing. (54)
ganglia  Collections of neuron cell bodies outside the central nervous system. (30)
gastric juice  Secretions from the stomach lining that begin the process of digesting protein. (33)
gastritis  Inflammation of the stomach lining. (33)
gastroenterologist  A specialist who diagnoses and treats disorders of the entire gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach, intestines, and associated digestive organs. (2)
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)  A condition that occurs when stomach acids are pushed into the esophagus and cause heartburn. (33)
gene  A segment of DNA that determines a body trait. (22)
general duty clause  An OSHA clause that requires an employer to maintain a workplace free from hazards that are recognized as likely to cause death or serious injury. (6)
general physical examination (exam)  An examination performed by a physician to confirm a patient's health or to diagnose a medical problem. (9)
generic name  A drug's official name. (51)
geriatrician  Specialists who care for elderly individuals, usually those over the age of 65. (41)
gerontologist  A specialist who studies the aging process. (2)
GH  See growth hormone.
gigantism  A condition in which too much growth hormone is produced in childhood, resulting in an abnormally increased stature. (34)
glans penis  A cone-shaped structure at the end of the penis. (32)
glaucoma  A condition in which too much pressure is created in the eye by excessive aqueous humor. This excess pressure can lead to permanent damage of the optic nerves, resulting in blindness. (35)
global period  The period of time that is covered for follow-up care of a procedure or surgical service. (19)
globulins  Plasma proteins that transport lipids and some vitamins. (27)
glomerular filtrate  The fluid remaining in the glomerular capsule after glomerular filtration. (31)
glomerular filtration  The process by which urine forms in the kidneys as blood moves through a tight ball of capillaries called the glomerulus. (31)
glomerulonephritis  An inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney. (31)
glomerulus  A group of capillaries in the renal corpuscle. (31)
glottis  The opening between the vocal cords. (29)
glucagon  A hormone that increases glucose concentrations in the blood stream and slows down protein synthesis. (34)
gluten  The insoluble protein (prolamines) constituent of wheat and other grains; a mixture of gliadin, glutenin, and other proteins; believed to be an agent in celiac disease. (55)
glycogen  An excess of glucose that is stored in the liver and in skeletal muscle. (33)
glycosuria  The presence of significant levels of glucose in the urine. (47)
goiter  Enlargement of the thyroid gland, which causes swelling of the neck, often related to iodine insufficiency in the diet. (34)
Golgi apparatus  The cell's Golgi apparatus synthesizes carbohydrates and also appears to prepare and store secretions for discharge from the cell. (22)
gonadotropin-releasing hormone  Hormone that stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). (32)
gonads  The reproductive organs; namely, in women, the ovaries, and in men, the testes. (34)
goniometer  A protractor device that measures range of motion. (54)
gout (gowt)  A medical condition characterized by an elevated uric acid level and recurrent acute arthritis. (24)
G-protein  A substance that causes enzymes in the cell to activate following the activation of the hormone-receptor complex in the cell membrane. (34)
Gram-negative  Referring to bacteria that lose their purple color when a decolorizer has been added during a Gram stain. (46)
Gram-positive  Referring to bacteria that retain their purple color after a decolorizer has been added during a Gram stain. (46)
Gram stain  A method of staining that differentiates bacteria according to the chemical composition of their cell walls. (46)
granular leukocyte  A type of leukocyte (white blood cell) with a segmented nucleus and granulated cytoplasm; also known as a polymorphonuclear leukocyte. (27)
granulocyte  See granular leukocyte. (27)
Grave's disease  A disorder in which a person develops antibodies that attack the thyroid gland. (34)
gray matter  The inner tissue of the brain and the spinal cord that is darker in color than white matter. It contains all the bodies and dendrites of nerve cells. (30)
grievance process  A mediation process through the human relations department utilized when an employee or employees feel they are treated unjustly. (56)
gross earnings  The total amount an employee earns before deductions. (21)
group practice  A medical management system in which a group of three or more licensed physicians share their collective income, expenses, facilities, equipment, records, and personnel. (5)
growth hormone  A hormone that stimulates an increase in the size of the muscles and bones of the body. (34)
growth plate  A shaft of cartilage between the epiphysis and the diaphysis; also known as the epiphyseal disk. (24)
guarantor  The patient, caregiver, or entity responsible for payment of the healthcare bill. (20)
gustatory receptors  Taste receptors that are found on taste buds. (35)
gynecologist  A specialist who performs routine physical care and examinations of the female reproductive system. (2)
gyri  The ridges of brain matter between the sulci; also called convolutions. (30)
hairy leukoplakia  A white lesion on the tongue associated with AIDS. (46)
hapten  Foreign substances in the body too small to start an immune response by themselves. (28)
hard copy  A readable paper copy or printout of information. (8)
hard skills  Specific technical and operational proficiencies. (3)
hardware  The physical components of a computer system, including the monitor, keyboard, and printer. (8)
hazard label  A shortened version of the Material Safety Data Sheet; permanently affixed to a hazardous substance container. (6)
HCG  See human chorionic gonadotropin.
HCPCS  See Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System.
HCPCS Level II codes  Codes that cover many supplies such as sterile trays, drugs, and durable medical equipment; also referred to as national codes. They also cover services and procedures not included in the CPT. (19)
healthcare-associated infections  Infections acquired by a patient in a healthcare facility. (6)
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System  A coding system developed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that is used in coding services for Medicare patients. (19)
health fraud  A deception or trickery related to health prevention or care for profit.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act  See HIPAA.
health maintenance organization  A healthcare organization that provides specific services to individuals and their dependents who are enrolled in the plan. Doctors who enroll in an HMO agree to provide certain services in exchange for a prepaid fee. (17)
helper T-cells  White blood cells that are a key component of the body's immune system and that work in coordination with other white blood cells to combat infection. (46)
hematemesis  The vomiting of blood. (57)
hematocrit  The percentage of the volume of a sample made up of red blood cells after the sample has been spun in a centrifuge. (27)
hematology  The study of blood. (48)
hematoma  A swelling caused by blood under the skin. (48, 57)
hematopoiesis  The process of new blood cell formation in the red bone marrow of cancellous bone. (24)
hematuria  The presence of blood in the urine. (47)
hemocytoblast  Cells of the red bone marrow that produce most red blood cells. (27)
hemoglobin  A protein that contains iron and bonds with and carries oxygen to cells; the main component of erythrocytes. (23)
hemoglobinuria  The presence of free hemoglobin in the urine; a rare condition caused by transfusion reactions, malaria, drug reactions, snake bites, or severe burns. (47)
hemolysis  The rupturing of red blood cells, which releases hemoglobin. (48)
hemolytic anemias  Types of anemia that cause red blood cells to be destroyed faster than they can be made. (27)
hemoptysis  The spitting up of blood from the respiratory tract. (29)
hemorrhoids  Varicose veins of the rectum or anus. (33)
hemostasis  The stoppage of bleeding. (27)
hemothorax  Blood collection in the pleural cavity causing collapse of the lung. (29)
hepatic duct  A duct that leaves the liver carrying bile and merges with the cystic duct to form the common bile duct. (33)
hepatic lobule  Smaller divisions within the lobes of the liver. (33)
hepatic portal system  The collection of veins carrying blood to the liver. (26)
hepatic portal vein  A blood vessel that carries blood from the other digestive organs to the hepatic lobules. (33)
hepatitis  Inflammation of the liver usually caused by viruses or toxins. (33)
hepatocytes  The cells within the lobules of the liver. Hepatocytes process nutrients in the blood and make bile. (33)
hernia  The protrusion of an organ through the wall that usually contains it, such as a hiatal or inguinal hernia. (33)
herpes simplex  A medical condition characterized by an eruption of one or more groups of vesicles on the lips or genitalia. (23)
herpes zoster  A medical condition characterized by an eruption of a group of vesicles on one side of the body following a nerve root. (23)
hierarchy  A term that pertains to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This hierarchy states that human beings are motivated by unsatisfied needs and that certain lower needs must be satisfied before higher needs can be met. (4)
hilum  The indented side of a lymph node. (23) The entrance of the renal sinus that contains the renal artery, renal vein, and ureter. (31)
HIPAA  A set of regulations whose goals include the following: (1) improving the portability and continuity of healthcare coverage in group and individual markets; (2) combating waste, fraud, and abuse in healthcare insurance and healthcare delivery; (3) promoting the use of a medical savings account; (4) improving access to long-term care services and coverage; and (5) simplifying the administration of health insurance. (1)
HIV  See human immunodeficiency virus.
HMO  See health maintenance organization.
Holter monitor  An electrocardiography device that includes a small portable cassette recorder worn around a patient's waist or on a shoulder strap to record the heart's electrical activity. (49)
homeopathic medicine  A system of medicine that uses remedies in an attempt to stimulate the body to recover itself.
homeostasis  A balanced, stable state within the body. (4)
homologous chromosome  Members in each pair of chromosomes. (22)
hormone  A chemical secreted by a cell that affects the functions of other cells. (34)
hospice  Volunteers who work with terminally ill patients and their families. (4)
human chorionic gonadotropin  A hormone secreted by cells of the embryo after implantation. It maintains the corpus luteum in the ovary so it will continue to secrete estrogen and progesterone. (32)
human immunodeficiency virus  A retrovirus that gradually destroys the body's immune system and causes AIDS. (46)
humerus  The bone of the upper arm. (24)
humors  Fluids of the body. (28)
hydrotherapy  The therapeutic use of water to treat physical problems. (54)
hydrothorax  Fluid collection in the pleural cavity causing collapse of the lung. (29)
hyoid  The bone that anchors the tongue. (24)
hyperextension  Extension of a body part past the normal anatomic position. (25)
hyperglycemia  High blood sugar. (57)
hyperopia  A condition that occurs when light entering the eye is focused behind the retina; commonly called farsightedness. (43)
hyperpnea  Abnormally deep, rapid breathing. (37)
hyperpyrexia  An exceptionally high fever. (37)
hyperreflexia  Reflexes that are stronger than normal reflexes.
hypertension  High blood pressure. (37)
hyperventilation  The condition of breathing rapidly and deeply. Hyperventilating decreases the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. (29)
hypnosis  A trance-like state usually induced by another person to access the subconscious mind and promote healing.
hypodermis  The subcutaneous layer of the skin that is largely made of adipose tissue. (23)
hypoglycemia  Low blood sugar. (57)
hyporeflexia  A condition of decreased reflexes. (30)
hypotension  Low blood pressure. (37)
hypothalamus  A region of the diencephalon. It maintains homeostasis by regulating many vital activities such as heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate. (30)
hypovolemic shock  A state of shock resulting from insufficient blood volume in the circulatory system. (57)
hypoxemia  Subnormal oxygenation of arterial blood, short of anoxia. (49)
hypoxia  Inadequate oxygenation of the cells of the body. (29)
hysterectomy  Surgical removal of the uterus. (32)
ICD-9  See International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification.
icons  Pictorial images; on a computer screen, graphic symbols that identify menu choices. (8)
identification line  A line at the bottom of a letter containing the letter writer's initials and the typist's initials. (10)
idiopathic  A disease or condition of unknown cause. (33)
IFFA  See immunofluorescent antibody test.
ileocecal sphincter  A structure that controls the movement of chime from the ileum to the cecum. (33)
ileum  The last portion of the small intestine. It is directly attached to the large intestine. (33)
ilium  The most superior part of the hip bone. It is broad and flaring. (24)
immunity  The condition of being resistant or not susceptible to pathogens and the diseases they cause. (28)
immunization  The administration of a vaccine or toxoid to protect susceptible individuals from communicable diseases. (40)
immunocompromised  Having an impaired or weakened immune system.
immunofluorescent antibody  A blood test used to confirm enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test results for HIV infection. (46)
immunoglobulins  A class of structurally related proteins that include IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgE; also called antibodies. (28)
impetigo  A contagious skin infection usually caused by germs commonly called staph and strep. (23)
implied consent  A form of consent that is not expressly granted by a person, but rather inferred from a person's actions and the facts and circumstances of a particular situation (or in some cases by a person's silence or inaction). (5)
implied contract  A contract that is created by the acceptance or conduct of the parties rather than the written word. (5)
impotence  A disorder in which a male cannot maintain an erect penis to complete sexual intercourse; also called erectile dysfunction. (32)
inactive file  A file used infrequently. (15)
incident report  A special form required by a facility when an adverse outcome or event with risk of liability occurs. (56)
incision  A surgical wound made by cutting into body tissue. (44)
incisors  The most medial teeth. They act as chisels to bite off food. (33)
incomplete proteins  Proteins that lack one or more of the essential amino acids. (55)
incontinence  The involuntary leakage of urine. (41)
incus  A small bone in the middle ear, located between the malleus and the stapes; also called the anvil. (35)
indexing  The naming of a file. (15)
indexing rules  Rules used as guidelines for the sequencing of files based on current business practice. (15)
indication  The purpose or reason for using a drug, as approved by the FDA. (51)
individual identifiable health information  Any part of an individual's health information, including demographic information, collected from an individual that is received by a covered entity (e.g., a healthcare provider).
induction  The pregnant patient is admitted to the delivering healthcare facility then given medication to start uterine contractions. (39)
induration  The process of hardening or of becoming hard.
infection  The presence of a pathogen in or on the body. (28)
infectious waste  Waste that can be dangerous to those who handle it or to the environment; includes human waste, human tissue, and body fluids as well as potentially hazardous waste, such as used needles, scalpels, and dressings, and cultures of human cells. (7)
inferior  Anatomic term meaning below or closer to the feet; also called caudal. (22)
infertility  Diminished ability to produce offspring; does not imply sterility. (39)
inflammation  The body's reaction when tissue becomes injured or infected. The four cardinal signs are redness, heat, pain, and swelling. (28)
inflammatory phase  The initial phase of wound healing in which bleeding is reduced as blood vessels in the affected area constrict. (44)
informed consent  The patient's right to receive all information relative to his or her condition and then make a decision regarding treatment based upon that knowledge. (5)
informed consent form  A form that verifies that a patient understands the offered treatment and its possible outcomes or side effects. (11)
infundibulum  The funnel-like end of the uterine tube near an ovary. It catches the secondary oocyte as it leaves the ovary. (32)
infusion  A slow drip, as of an intravenous solution into a vein. (53)
ink-jet printer  A nonimpact printer that forms characters by using a series of dots created by tiny drops of ink. (8)
innate immunity  The body's mechanisms to protect itself against pathogens in general; also called nonspecific defenses. (28)
inner cell mass  A group of cells in a blastocyte that gives rise to an embryo. (32)
inorganic  Matter that generally does not contain carbon and hydrogen. (22)
insertion  An attachment site of a skeletal muscle that moves when a muscle contracts. (25)
inside address  The name and address of the person to whom the letter is being sent. It appears on a business letter two to four spaces down from the date. It should be two, three, or four lines in length. (10)
inspection  The visual examination of the patient's entire body and overall appearance. (38)
inspiration  The act of breathing in; also called inhalation. (29)
instruction set  Includes the groups of instructions from installed programming that a CPU can implement. (8)
insulin  A hormone that regulates the amount of sugar in the blood by facilitating its entry into the cells. (34)
integrative medicine  The combination of components of conventional medicine with complementary and alternative medicine modalities.
integrity  Adhering to the appropriate code of law and ethics and being honest and trustworthy. (3)
interactive pager  A pager designed for two-way communication. The pager screen displays a printed message and allows the physician to respond by way of a mini keyboard. (13)
interatrial septum  The wall separating the right and left atria from each other. (26)
intercalated disc  A disk that connects groups of cardiac muscles. This disc allows the fibers in that group to contract and relax together. (25)
interferon  A protein that blocks viruses from infecting cells. (28)
interim room  A room off the patient reception area and away from the examination rooms for occasions when patients require privacy. (7)
International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification  Code set that is based on a system maintained by the World Health Organization of the United Nations. The use of the ICD-9 codes in the healthcare industry is mandated by HIPAA for reporting patients' diseases, conditions, and signs and symptoms. (18)
Internet  A global network of computers. (8)
interneuron  A structure found only in the central nervous system that functions to link sensory and motor neurons together. (30)
internist  A doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating problems related to the internal organs. (2)
interpersonal skills  Attitudes, qualities, and abilities that influence the level of success and satisfaction achieved in interacting with other people. (4)
interphalangeal  Pertaining to the joints between the phalangeal bones. (24)
interphase  The state of a cell carrying out its normal daily functions and not dividing. (22)
interstitial cell  A cell located between the seminiferous tubules that is responsible for making testosterone. (32)
interstitial fluid  Fluid found between tissue cells that is absorbed by lymph capillaries to become lymph. (28)
interventricular septum  The wall separating the right and left ventricles from each other. (26)
intestinal lipase  An enzyme that digests fat. (33)
intradermal  Within the upper layers of the skin. (53)
intradermal test  An allergy test in which dilute solutions of allergens are introduced into the skin of the inner forearm or upper back with a fine gauge needle. (42)
intramembranous  A type of ossification in which bones begin as tough fibrous membranes. (24)
intramuscular  Within muscle; an IM injection allows administration of a larger amount of a drug than a subcutaneous injection allows. (53)
intraoperative  Taking place during surgery. (44)
intravenous  Injected directly into a vein. (53)
intravenous pyelography  A radiologic procedure in which the doctor injects a contrast medium into a vein and takes a series of x-rays of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder to evaluate urinary system abnormalities or trauma to the urinary system; also known as excretory urography. (50)
intrinsic factor  A substance secreted by parietal cells in the lining of the stomach. It is necessary for vitamin B 12 absorption. (33)
invasive  Referring to a procedure in which a catheter, wire, or other foreign object is introduced into a blood vessel or organ through the skin or a body orifice. Surgical asepsis is required during all invasive tests. (50)
inventory  A list of supplies used regularly and the quantities in stock. (8)
inversion  Turning the sole of the foot medially. (25)
invoice  A bill for materials or services received by or services performed by the practice. (8)
ions  Positively or negatively charged particles. (22)
iris  The colored part of the eye, made of muscular tissue that contracts and relaxes, altering the size of the pupil. (35)
ischium  A structure that forms the lower part of the hip bone. (24)
islets of Langerhans  Structures in the pancreas that secrete insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream. (34)
itinerary  A detailed travel plan listing dates and times for specific transportation arrangements and events, the location of meetings and lodgings, and phone numbers. (16)
IV  See intravenous.
IVP  See intravenous pyelography.
jaundice  A condition characterized by yellowness of the skin, eyes, mucous membranes, and excretions; occurs during the second stage of hepatitis infection. (40)
jejunum  The mid-portion and the majority of the small intestine. (33)
journalizing  The process of logging charges and receipts in a chronological list each day; used in the singleentry system of bookkeeping. (21)
juxtaglomerular apparatus  A structure contained in the nephron and made up of the macula densa and juxtaglomerular cells.
juxtaglomerular cells  Enlarged smooth muscle cells in the walls of either the afferent or efferent arterioles.
Kaposi's sarcoma  Abnormal tissue occurring in the skin, and sometimes in the lymph nodes and organs, manifested by reddish-purple to dark blue patches or spots on the skin. (46)
keratin  A tough, hard protein contained in skin, hair, and nails. (23)
keratinocyte  The most common cell type in the epidermis of the skin. (23)
key  The act of inputting or entering information into a computer. (10)
KOH mount  A type of mount used when a physician suspects a patient has a fungal infection of the skin, nails, or hair and to which potassium hydroxide is added to dissolve the keratin in cell walls. (46)
Krebs cycle  Also called the citric acid cycle. This cycle generates ATP for muscle cells. (25)
KUB radiography  The process of x-raying the abdomen to help assess the size, shape, and position of the urinary organs; evaluate urinary system diseases or disorders; or determine the presence of kidney stones. It can also be helpful in determining the position of an intrauterine device (IUD) or in locating foreign bodies in the digestive tract; also called a flat plate of the abdomen. (50)
kyphosis  A deformity of the spine characterized by a bent-over position; more commonly called humpback. (38, 41)
labeling  Information provided with a drug, including FDA-approved indications and the form of the drug. (51)
labia majora  The rounded folds of adipose tissue and skin that serve to protect the other female reproductive organs. (32)
labia minora  The folds of skin between the labia majora. (32)
labor relations  An HR role that refers to issues that arise between employees and management. (56)
labyrinth  The inner ear. (35)
laceration  A jagged, open wound in the skin that can extend down into the underlying tissue. (44)
lacrimal apparatus  A structure that consists of the lacrimal glands and nasolacrimal ducts. (35)
lacrimal gland  A gland in the eye that produces tears. (35)
lactase  An enzyme that digests sugars. (33)
lactic acid  A waste product that must be released from the cell. It is produced when a cell is low on oxygen and converts pyruvic acid. (25)
lactiferous  Pertaining to producing milk. (32)
lactogen  Substance secreted by the placenta that stimulates the enlargement of the mammary glands. (32)
lacunae  Holes in the matrix of bone that hold osteocytes. (24)
lamella  Layers of bone surrounding the canals of osteons. (24)
LAN  See local area network. (8)
lancet  A small, disposable instrument with a sharp point used to puncture the skin and make a shallow incision; used for capillary puncture. (48)
laryngopharynx  The portion of the pharynx behind the larynx. (33)
larynx  The part of the respiratory tract between the pharynx and the trachea that is responsible for voice production; also called the voice box. (29)
laser printer  A highresolution printer that uses a technology similar to that of a photocopier. It is the fastest type of computer printer and produces the highest-quality output. (8)
last menstrual period  The date of the first day of the last menstruation; used to determine an estimated expected delivery date for a pregnant patient. (39)
lateral  A directional term that means farther away from the midline of the body. (22)
lateral file  A horizontal filing cabinet that features doors that flip up and a pull-out drawer, where files are arranged with sides facing out. (15)
law  A rule of conduct established and enforced by an authority or governing body, such as the federal government. (5)
law of agency  A law stating that an employee is considered to be acting on the physician's behalf while performing professional duties. (5)
lead  A view of a specific area of the heart on an electrocardiogram. (49)
lease  To rent an item or piece of equipment.
legal custody  The court decreed right to have control over a child's upbringing and to take responsibility for the child's care, including healthcare. (20)
lens  A clear, circular disc located in the eye, just posterior to the iris, that can change shape to help the eye focus images of objects that are near or far away. (35)
lentigo  A brown macule resembling a freckle except that the border is usually regular and microscopic proliferation of rete ridges is present; scattered melanocytes are seen in the basal cell layer. It is usually caused by sun exposure in someone of middle age or older. (41)
letterhead  Formal business stationery, with the doctor's (or office's) name and address printed at the top, used for correspondence with patients, colleagues, and vendors. (10)
leukemia  A medical condition in which bone marrow produces a large number of white blood cells that are not normal. (27)
leukocyte  White blood cells. (27)
leukocytosis  A white blood cell count that is above normal. (27)
leukopenia  A white blood cell count that is below normal. (27)
LH  See luteinizing hormone.
liability insurance  A type of insurance that covers injuries caused by the insured or injuries that occurred on the insured's property. (17)
liable  Legally responsible. (5)
libel  A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a person's reputation. (5)
lifetime maximum benefit  The total sum that a health plan will pay out over the patient's life. (17)
ligament  A tough, fibrous band of tissue that connects bone to bone. (24)
ligature  Suture material. (44)
limbus  The corneal-scleral junction, which is the area where the sclera (the white of the eye) gives way to the clear covering of the iris (cornea). (35)
limited check  A check that is void after a certain time limit; commonly used for payroll. (21)
lingual frenulum  A flap of mucosa that holds the body of the tongue to the floor of the oral cavity. (33)
lingual tonsils  Two lumps of lymphatic tissue at the back of the tongue that act to destroy bacteria and viruses. (33)
linoleic acid  An essential fatty acid found in corn and sunflower oils. (33)
lipid  "Fat-soluble," an operational term describing a solubility characteristic, not a chemical substance, denoting substances extracted from animal or vegetable cells by nonpolar solvents; included in the heterogeneous collection of materials thus extractable are fatty acids, glycerides, glyceryl ethers, phospholipids, sphingolipids, long-chain alcohols, waxes, terpenes, steroids, and “fat-soluble” vitamins such as A, D, and E. (33)
lipoproteins  Large molecules that are fat-soluble on the inside and water-soluble on the outside and carry lipids such as cholesterol and triglycerides through the bloodstream. (27)
lithotripsy  The crushing of a stone in the renal pelvis, ureter, or bladder by mechanical force or sound waves. (31)
living will  A legal document addressed to a patient's family and healthcare providers stating what type of treatment the patient wishes or does not wish to receive if he becomes terminally ill, unconscious, or permanently comatose; sometimes called an advance directive. (5)
lobe  The frontal, parietal, temporal, or occipital regions of the cerebral hemisphere. (30)
local area network  A network that connects computers in one building or a group of buildings. (8)
locum tenens  A substitute physician hired to see patients while the regular physician is away from the office. (16)
loop electrosurgical excision procedure  A diagnostic and therapeutic gynecologic surgical technique for removing dysplastic cells from the cervix with a small wire loop. (39)
loop of Henle  The portion of the renal tubule that curves back toward the renal corpuscle and twists again to become the distal convoluted tubule. (31)
lubricant  A water-soluble gel used during examination of the rectum or vaginal cavity. (9)
lumbar enlargement  The thickening of the spinal cord in the low back region. (30)
lunula  The white half-moon– shaped area at the base of a nail. (23)
luteinizing hormone  Hormone that in females stimulates ovulation and the production of estrogen; in males, it stimulates the production of testosterone. (32)
lymph (limf)  The fluid found inside of the lymphatic vessels. (28)
lymphedema  The blockage of lymphatic vessels that results in the swelling of tissue from the accumulation of lymphatic fluid. (28)
lymphocyte  An agranular leukocyte formed in lymphatic tissue. Lymphocytes are generally small. See T lymphocyte and B lymphocyte. (27, 28)
lymphokines  A type of cytokine secreted by T cells that increases T-cell production and directly kills cells with antigens.(28)
lysosomes  Structures that are known to perform the digestive function of the cells. (22)
lysozyme  An enzyme in tears that destroys pathogens on the surface of the eye. (28)

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