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Medical Glossary M-R
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macrophage  A type of phagocytic cell found in the liver, spleen, lungs, bone marrow, and connective tissue. Macrophages play several roles in humoral and cell-mediated immunity, including presenting the antigens to the lymphocytes involved in these defenses; also known as monocytes while in the bloodstream. (28)
macula densa  An area of the distal convoluted tubule that touches afferent and efferent arterioles.
macular degeneration  A progressive disease that usually affects people older than the age of 50. It occurs when the retina no longer receives an adequate blood supply.
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)  A viewing technique that uses a powerful magnetic field to produce an image of internal body structures. (42)
magnetic therapy  A type of therapy in which magnets are placed on the body to penetrate and correct the body's energy fields. (51)
maintenance contract  A contract that specifies when a piece of equipment will be cleaned, checked for worn parts, and repaired.
major histocompatibility complex  A large protein complex that plays a role in T-cell activation. (28)
malignant  A type of tumor or neoplasm that is invasive and destructive and that tends to metastasize; it is commonly known as cancerous. (28)
malleus  A small bone in the middle ear that is attached to the eardrum; also called the hammer. (35)
malpractice claim  A lawsuit brought by a patient against a physician for errors in diagnosis or treatment. (5)
maltase  An enzyme that digests sugars. (33)
mammary glands  Accessory organs of the female reproductive system that secrete milk after pregnancy. (32)
mammography  X-ray examination of the breasts. (50)
managed care organization  A health-care business that, through mergers and buyouts, can deliver healthcare more cost-effectively. (2)
mandible  A bone that forms the lower portion of the jaw. (24)
manipulation  The systematic movement of a patient's body parts. (38)
margin  The space or measurement around the edges of a form or letter that is left blank. (10)
marrow  A substance that is contained in the medullary cavity. In adults, it consists primarily of fat. (24)
massage  The use of pressure, kneading, stroking, and the human touch to alleviate pain and promote healing through relaxation.
massage therapist  An individual who is trained to use pressure, kneading, and stroking to promote muscle and full-body relaxation. (2)
mastoid process  A large bump on each temporal bone just behind each ear. It resembles a nipple, hence the name mastoid. (24)
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)  A form that is required for all hazardous chemicals or other substances used in the laboratory and that contains information about the product's name, ingredients, chemical characteristics, physical and health hazards, guidelines for safehandling, and procedures to be followed in the event of exposure. (6, 8)
matrix  Th e basic format of an appointment book, established by blocking off times on the schedule during which the doctor is able to see patients. (16) The material between the cells of connective tissue. (22)
matter  Anything that takes up space and has weight. Liquids, solids, and gases are matter. (22)
maturation phase  The third phase of wound healing, in which scar tissue forms. (44)
maxilla  A bone that forms the upper portion of the jaw. (24)
Mayo stand  A movable stainless steel instrument tray on a stand. (44)
MCO  See managed care organization.
mechanical digestion  Th e breaking down of food for use by the body by a physical method such as chewing. (33)
medial  A directional term that describes areas closer to the midline of the body. (22)
mediation  Intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it. (56)
Medicaid  A federally funded health cost-assistance program for low income, blind, and disabled patients; families receiving aid to dependent children; foster children; and children with birth defects. (17)
medical asepsis  Measures taken to reduce the number of microorganisms, such as hand washing and wearing examination gloves, that do not necessarily eliminate microorganisms; also called clean technique. (41)
medical identity theft  Using another person's name or insurance to seek healthcare. (7)
medical practice act  A law that defines the exact duties that physicians and other healthcare personnel may perform. (5)
Medicare  A national health insurance program for Americans aged 65 and older. (17)
Medicare 1 Choice Plan  Medicare benefit in which beneficiaries can choose to enroll in one of three major types of plans instead of the Original Medicare Plan. (17)
Medigap  Private insurance that Medicare recipients can purchase to reduce the gap in coverage—the amount they would have to pay from their own pockets after receiving Medicare benefits. (17)
meditation  A state in which the body is consciously relaxed and the mind becomes calm and focused.
medullary cavity  The canal that runs through the center of the diaphysis. (24)
megakaryocytes  Cells within red blood marrow that give rise to platelets. (27)
meiosis  A type of cell division in which each new cell contains only one member of each chromosome pair. (22)
melanin  A pigment that is deposited throughout the layers of the epidermis. (23)
melanocyte  A cell type within the epidermis that makes the pigment melanin. (23)
melanocyte-stimulating hormone  A hormone released from the anterior pituitary to stimulate melanin production in the skin's epidermal cells. (34)
melatonin  A hormone that helps to regulate circadian rhythms. (34)
membrane potential  The potential inside a cell relative to the fluid outside the cell. (30)
menarche  The first menstrual period. (32, 39, 40)
Meniere's disease  An inner-ear disease characterized by attacks of vertigo, tinnitus, and nausea. Permanent hearing loss may result.
meninges  Membranes that protect the brain and spinal cord. (30)
meningitis  An inflammation of the meninges. (30)
meniscus  The curve in the airto- liquid surface of a liquid specimen in a container. (37)
menopause  The termination of the menstrual cycle due to the normal aging of the ovaries. (32, 39)
menorrhagia  Excessively prolonged or profuse menses. (39)
menses  The clinical term for menstrual flow. (32)
menstrual cycle  The female reproductive cycle. It consists of regular changes in the uterine lining that lead to monthly bleeding. (32)
menstruation  Cyclic endometrial shedding and discharge of a bloody fluid from the uterus during the menstrual cycle. (39)
mensuration  The process of measuring. (38)
meridian  Pathways of energetic flow that are distributed symmetrically throughout the body. These pathways are used in acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, and Ayurveda. (2)
mesentery  The fan-like tissue that attaches the jejunum and ileum to the posterior abdominal wall. (33)
mesoderm  The primary germ layer that gives rise to connective tissue and some epithelial tissue. (32)
metabolism  The overall chemical functioning of the body, including all body processes that build small molecules into large ones (anabolism) and break down large molecules into small ones (catabolism). (22)
metacarpals  The bones that form the palms of the hand. (24)
metacarpophalangeal  Pertaining to the joints that join the phalanges to the metacarpals. (24)
metaphase  Period of mitosis when the chromosomes line up on the spindle fibers created by the centrioles during prophase. (22)
metastasis  The transfer of abnormal cells to body sites far removed from the original tumor;the spread of tumor cells. (24)
metatarsals  The bones that form the front of the foot. (24)
metatarsophalangeal  Pertaining to the joints that join the phalanges to the metatarsals. (24)
metrorrhagia  Any irregular, acyclic bleeding from the uterus between periods. (39)
MHC  See major histocompatibility complex.
microbiology  The study of microorganisms. (46)
microfiche  Microfilm in rectangular sheets. (8)
microfilm  A roll of film stored on a reel and imprinted with information on a reduced scale to minimize storage space requirements. (8)
microglia  Small cells within the nervous system that act as phagocytes, watching for and engulfing invaders. (30)
microorganism  A simple form of life, commonly made up of a single cell and so small that it can be seen only with a microscope. (6)
micropipette  A small pipette that holds a small, precise volume of fluid; used to collect capillary blood. (48)
microvilli  Structures found in the lining of the small intestine. They greatly increase the surface area of the small intestine so it can absorb many nutrients. (33)
micturition  The process of urination. (31)
middle digit  small group of two to three numbers in the middle of a patient number that is used as an identifying unit in a filing system. (15)
midlevel provider  Refers to physician assistants and nurse practioners who provide patient care under the supervision of a physician. (56)
midsagittal  Anatomical term that refers to the plane that runs lengthwise down the midline of the body, dividing it into equal left and right halves. (22)
minerals  Natural, inorganic substances the body needs to help build and maintain body tissues and carry on life functions. (55)
minors  Anyone under the age of majority-18 in most states, 21 in some jurisdictions. (5)
minutes  A report of what happened and what was discussed and decided at a meeting. (16)
mirroring  Restating in your own words what a person is saying. (36)
misdemeanor  A less serious crime such as theft under a certain dollar amount or disturbing the peace. A misdemeanor is punishable by fines or imprisonment. (5)
mitochondria  Structures that provide energy for cells and are the respiratory centers for the cell. (22)
mitosis  A type of cell division that produces ordinary body, or somatic, cells;each new cell receives a complete set of paired chromosomes. (22)
mitral valve  See bicuspid valve. (26)
mobility aid  Device that improves one's ability to move from one place to another; also called mobility assistive device. (54)
modeling  The process of teaching the patient a new skill by having the patient observe and imitate it. (14)
modem  A device used to transfer information from one computer to another through telephone lines. (8)
modified-block letter style  A letter format similar to full-block style, except that the dateline, complimentary closing, signature block, and notations are aligned and begin at the center of the page or slightly to the right of center. (10)
modified-wave schedule  A scheduling system similar to the wave system, with patients arriving at planned intervals during the hour, allowing time to catch up before the next hour begins. (16)
modifier  One or more two-digit codes assigned to the five digit main code to show that some special circumstance applied to the service or procedure that the physician performed. (19)
molars  Back teeth that are flat and are designed to grind food. (33)
mold  Fungi that grow into large, fuzzy, multicelled organisms that produce spores. (46)
molecule  The smallest unit into which an element can be divided and still retain its properties;it is formed when atoms bond together. (22)
money order  A certificate of guaranteed payment, which may be purchased from a bank, a post office, or some convenience stores. (21)
monocyte  A type of phagocyte that is formed in bone marrow and circulates throughout the blood for a very short period of time. It then migrates to specific tissues and is called a macrophage. (27)
monokines  A type of cytokine secreted by lymphocytes and macrophages that assists in regulating the immune response by increasing B-cell production and stimulating red bone marrow to produce more white blood cells. (28)
mononucleosis  A highly contagious viral infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). (28)
monosaccharide  A type of carbohydrate that is a simple sugar. (33)
mons pubis  A fatty area that overlies the public bone. (32)
moral values  Values or types of behavior that serve as a basis for ethical conduct and are formed through the influence of the family, culture, or society. (5)
morbidity  The frequency of the appearance of complications following a surgical procedure or other treatment. (18)
mordant  A substance, such as iodine, that can intensify or deepen the response a specimen has to a stain. (46)
morphology  The study of the shape or form of objects. (48)
mortality  A fatal outcome. (18)
morula  A zygote that has undergone cleavage and results in a ball of cells. (32)
motherboard  The main circuit board of a computer that controls the other components in the system. (8)
motility  To be capable of movement. (32)
motor  Efferent neurons that carry information from the central nervous system to the effectors. (30)
motor nerves  An efferent nerve conveying an impulse that excites muscular contraction;motor nerves in the autonomic nervous system also elicit secretions from glandular epithelia. (30)
mouse (mous)  A pointing device that can be added to a computer that directs activity on the computer screen by positioning a pointer or cursor on the screen. It can be directly attached to the computer or can be wireless. (8)
moxibustion  The application of heat at the points where the needles are inserted during acupuncture.
MRI  See magnetic resonance imaging.
MSDS  See Material Safety Data Sheet.
MSH  See melanocyte-stimulating hormone.
mucocutaneous exposure  Exposure to a pathogen through mucous membranes. (46)
mucosa  The innermost layer of the wall of the alimentary canal. (33)
mucous cells  Cells that are found in the salivary glands and the lining of the stomach and that secrete mucous. (33)
MUGA scan  A radiologic procedure that evaluates the condition of the heart's myocardium; it involves injection of radioisotopes that concentrate in the myocardium, followed by the use of a gamma camera to measure ventricular contractions to evaluate the patient's heart wall. (50)
multimedia  More than one medium, such as in graphics, sound, and text, used to convey information. (8)
multitasking  Running two or more computer software programs simultaneously. (8)
multi-unit smooth muscle  A type of smooth muscle that is found in the iris of the eye and in the walls of blood vessels. (25)
murmur  An abnormal heart sound heard when the ventricles contract and blood leaks back into the atria. (26)
muscle fatigue  A condition caused by a buildup of lactic acid. (25)
muscle fiber  Muscle cells that are called fibers because of their long lengths. (25)
muscle tissue  A tissue type that is specialized to shorten and elongate. (22)
muscular dystrophy  A group of inherited disorders characterized by a loss of muscle tissue and by muscle weakness. (25)
mutation  An error that sometimes occurs when DNA is duplicated. When it occurs, it is passed to descendent cells and may or may not affect them in harmful ways. (22)
myasthenia gravis  An autoimmune disorder that is characterized by muscle weakness. (25)
myelin  A fatty substance that insulates the axon and allows it to send nerve impulses quickly. (30)
myelography  An x-ray visualization of the spinal cord after the injection of a radioactive contrast medium or air into the spinal subarachnoid space (between the second and innermost of three membranes that cover the spinal cord). Th is test can reveal tumors, cysts, spinal stenosis, or herniated disks. (42, 50)
myocardial infarction  A heart attack that occurs when the blood flow to the heart is reduced as a result of blockage in the coronary arteries or their branches. (26)
myocardium  The middle and thickest layer of the heart. It is made primarily of cardiac muscle. (26)
myocytes  Muscle cells; also called muscle fibers. (25)
myofibrils  Long structures that fill the sarcoplasm of a muscle fiber. (25)
myoglobin  A pigment contained in muscle cells that stores extra oxygen. (25)
myoglobinuria  The presence of myoglobin in the urine;can be caused by injured or damaged muscle tissue. (47)
myometrium  The middle, thick muscular layer of the uterus. (32)
myopia  A condition that occurs when light entering the eye is focused in front of the retina; commonly called nearsightedness. (43)
myxedema  A severe type of hypothyroidism that is most common in women older than the age of 50. (34)
nail bed  The layer beneath each nail. (23)
narcotic  A popular term for an opioid and term of choice in government agencies;see opioid. (51)
nares  The openings of the nose or nostrils. (29)
nasal  Relating to the nose. The nasal bones fuse to form the bridge of the nose. (24)
nasal conchae  Structures that extend from the lateral walls of the nasal cavity. (29)
nasal mucosa  The lining of the nose. (38)
nasal septum  A structure that divides the nasal cavity into a left and right portion. (29)
nasolacrimal duct  A structure located on the medial aspect of each eyeball. These ducts drain tears into the nose. (35)
nasopharynx  The portion of the pharynx behind the nasal cavity. (33)
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)  National organization that conducts and supports CAM research and provides CAM information to healthcare providers and the public.
natural killer (NK)  Non-B and non-Tlymphocytes. NK cells kill cancer cells and virus infected cells without previous exposure to the antigen. (28)
naturopathic medicine  A system of medicine that relies on the healing power of the body and supports that power through various healthcare practices, such as nutritional counseling, lifestyle counseling, and exercise.
needle biopsy  A procedure in which a needle and syringe are used to aspirate (withdraw by suction) fluid or tissue cells. (44)
negligence  A medical professional's failure to perform an essential action or performance of an improper action that directly results in the harm of a patient. (5)
negotiable  Legally transferable from one person to another. (21)
neonatal period  The first 4 weeks of the postnatal period of an offspring. (32)
neonate  An infant during the first 4 weeks of life. (32)
nephrologist  A specialist who studies, diagnoses, and manages diseases of the kidney. (2)
nephrons  Microscopic structures in the kidneys that filter blood and form urine. (31)
nerve fiber  A structure that extends from the cell body. It consists of two types: axons and dendrites. (30)
nerve impulse  Electrochemical messages transmitted from neurons to other neurons and effectors. (30)
nervous tissue  A tissue type located in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. (22)
netbook  A small portable laptop computer designed for wireless communication and access to the Internet. (8)
net earnings  Take-home pay, calculated by subtracting total deductions from gross earnings. (56)
network  A system that links several computers together. (8)
networking  Making contacts with relatives, friends, and acquaintances that may have information about how to find a job in your field. (58)
neuralgia  A medical condition characterized by severe pain along the distribution of a nerve. (30)
neuroglia  Structures that function as support cells for other neurons, including astrocytes, microglia, and oligodendrocytes. See also neuroglial cells. (30)
neuroglial cell  Nonneuronal type of nervous tissue that is smaller and more abundant than neurons. Neuroglial cells support neurons. (30)
neurologist  A specialist who diagnoses and treats disorders and diseases of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. (2)
neuron  A nerve cell; it carries nerve impulses between the brain or spinal cord and other parts of the body. (30)
neurotransmitter  chemical within the vesicles of the synaptic knob that is released into the postsynaptic structures when a nerve impulse reaches the synaptic knob. (30)
neutrophil  A type of granular leukocyte that aids in phagocytosis by attacking bacterial invaders; also responsible for the release of pyrogens. (27)
new patient  Patient that, for CPT reporting purposes, has not received professional services from the physician within the past 3 years. (19)
NK cells  See natural killer cells.
nocturia  Excessive nighttime urination. (41)
nomogram  A form of line chart showing scales for the variables involved in a particular formula in such a way that corresponding values for each variable lie in a straight line intersecting all the scales. (52)
noncompliant  The term used to describe a patient who does not follow the medical advice given. (11)
noninvasive  Referring to procedures that do not require inserting devices, breaking the skin, or monitoring to the degree needed with invasive procedures. (50)
nonsteroidal hormone  A type of hormone made of amino acids and proteins. (34)
norepinephrine  A neurotransmitter released by sympathetic neurons onto organs and glands for fight-or-flight (stressful) situations. (25)
no-show  A patient who does not call to cancel and does not come to an appointment. (16)
nosocomial infection  An infection contracted in a hospital.
notations  Information found at the end of a business letter indicating enclosures included with the letter and the names of other people who will be receiving copies of the letter. (10)
Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP)  A document that informs patients of their rights as outlined under HIPAA. (5)
NPP  See Notice of Privacy Practices.
nuclear medicine  The use of radionuclides, or radioisotopes (radioactive elements or their compounds), to evaluate the bone, brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, thyroid, and spleen; also known as radionuclide imaging. (50)
nucleases  Pancreatic enzymes that digest nucleic acids. (33)
nucleus  The control center of a cell;contains the chromosomes that direct cellular processes. (22)
numeric filing system  A filing system that organizes files by numbers instead of names. Each patient is assigned a number in the order in which she joins the practice. (15)
nutrient  A constituent of food necessary for normal physiologic function. (33)
nystagmus  Rapid involuntary eye movements that may be the result of drug or alcohol use, brain injury or lesion, or cerebrovascular accident (CVA). (35)
O&P specimen  An ova and parasites specimen, or a stool sample, that is examined for the presence of certain forms of protozoans or parasites, including their eggs (ova). (47)
objective  Pertaining to data that are readily apparent and measurable, such as vital signs, test results, or physical examination findings. (11)
objective data  Information about the patient’s condition that is readily apparent or measureable. (36)
objectives  The set of magnifying lenses contained in the nosepiece of a compound microscope. (45)
occipital  Relating to the back of the head. The occipital bone forms the back of the skull. (24)
occult blood  Blood contained in some other substance, not visible to the naked eye. (9)
Occupational Safety and Health Act  See OSHA.
OCR  See optical character recognition.
ocular  An eyepiece of a microscope. (45)
oil-immersion objective  A microscope objective that is designed to be lowered into a drop of immersion oil placed directly above the prepared specimen under examination, eliminating the air space between the microscope slide and the objective and producing a much sharper, brighter image. (45)
ointment  A form of topical drug; also known as a salve. (53)
Older Americans Act of 1965  A U.S. law that guarantees certain benefits to elderly citizens, including healthcare, retirement income, and protection against abuse. (7)
olfactory  Relating to the sense of smell. (35)
oligodendrocytes  Specialized neuroglial cells that assist in the production of the myelin sheath. (30)
oliguria  Insufficient production (or volume) of urine. (47)
OMM  See osteopathic manipulative medicine.
oncologist  A specialist who identifies tumors and treats patients who have cancer. (2)
onychectomy  The removal of a fingernail or toenail. (44)
oocyte  The immature egg. (32)
oogenesis  The process of egg cell formation. (32)
open-book account  An account that is open to charges made occasionally as needed. (20)
open-hours scheduling  A system of scheduling in which patients arrive at the doctor's office at their convenience and are seen on a first-come, first-served basis. (16)
open posture  A position that conveys a feeling of receptiveness and friendliness; facing another person with arms comfortably at the sides or in the lap. (4)
ophthalmologist  A medical doctor who is an eye specialist. (35)
ophthalmoscope  A handheld instrument with a light; used to view inner eye structures. (43)
opioid  A natural or synthetic drug that produces opium-like effects. (51)
opportunistic infection  Infection by microorganisms that can cause disease only when a host's resistance is low.
optical character reader (OCR)  An electronic scanner that can "read" typed letters. (10)
optical character recognition  The process or technology of reading data in printed form by a device that scans and identifies characters. (8)
optical microscope  A microscope that uses light, concentrated through a condenser and focused through the object being examined, to project an image. (45)
optic chiasm  A structure located at the base of the brain where parts of the optic nerves cross. It carries visual information to the brain. (35)
optician  An eye professional who fills prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses. (35)
optometrist  A trained and licensed vision specialist who is not a physician. (35)
orbicularis oculi  The muscle in the eyelid responsible for blinking. (35)
orbit  The eye socket, which forms a protective shell around the eye. (35)
organ  Structure formed by the organization of two or more different tissue types that carries out specific functions. (22)
organ of Corti  The organ of hearing, located within the cochlea of the inner ear. (35)
organelle  A structure within a cell that performs a specific function. (22)
organic  Pertaining to matter that contains carbon and hydrogen. (22)
organism  A whole living being that is formed from organ systems. (22)
organization  A facility or set of coordinated facilities that provide health care. (3)
organizational chart  A formal drawing of the supervisory structure and reporting relationships of an organization such as a medical facility. (56)
organ system  A system that consists of organs that join together to carry out vital functions. (22)
orifice  An opening. (32)
origin  An attachment site of a skeletal muscle that does not move when a muscle contracts. (25)
Original Medicare Plan  The Medicare fee-for-service plan that allows the beneficiary to choose any licensed physician certified by Medicare. (17)
oropharynx  The portion of the pharynx behind the oral cavity. (33)
orthopedist  A specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases and disorders of the muscles and bones. (2)
orthopnea  Condition of difficulty breathing except while in an upright position. (29)
orthostatic hypotension  A situation in which blood pressure becomes low and the pulse increases when a patient is moved from a lying to standing position; also known as postural hypotension. (37)
OSHA  A set of regulations designed to save lives, prevent injuries, and protect the health of workers in the United States. (1, 6)
osmosis  The diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane such as a cell membrane. (22)
ossicles  Small bones;specifically, one of the bones of the tympanic cavity or middle ear. (35)
ossification  The process of bone growth. (24)
osteoarthritis  Arthritis characterized by erosion of articular cartilage, which becomes soft, frayed, and thinned with eburnation of subchondral bone and outgrowths of marginal osteophytes; pain and loss of function result; mainly affects weight-bearing joints and is more common in women, the overweight, and older people. (41)
osteoblast  Bone-forming cells that turn membrane into bone. They use excess blood calcium to build new bone. (24)
osteoclast  Bone-dissolving cells. When bone is dissolved, calcium is released into the bloodstream. (24)
osteocyte  A cell of osseous tissue; also called a bone cell. (24)
osteon  Elongated cylinders that run up and down the long axis of bone. (24)
osteopathic manipulative medicine  A system of hands-on techniques that help relieve pain, restore motion, support the body’s natural functions, and influence the body's structure. Osteopathic physicians study OMM in addition to medical courses. (2)
osteoporosis  An endocrine and metabolic disorder of the musculoskeletal system, more common in women than in men, characterized by hunched-over posture. (41)
osteosarcoma  A type of bone cancer that originates from osteoblasts, the cells that make bony tissue. (24)
OT  See oxytocin.
otologist  A medical doctor who specializes in the health of the ear. (43)
otorhinolaryngologist  A specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. (2)
otosclerosis  Hardening or immobilization of the stapes within the inner ear. (35)
out guide  A marker made of stiff material and used as a placeholder when a file is taken out of a filing system. (15)
ova  Eggs. (32)
oval window  The beginning of the inner ear. (35)
overbooking  Scheduling appointments for more patients than can reasonably be seen in the time allowed. (16)
oviduct  A Fallopian tube. (32)
ovulation  The process by which the ovaries release one ovum (egg) approximately every 28 days. (32)
ovum  One egg. The female "egg" that unites with the male sperm to begin reproduction. (22)
oxygenated  Oxygenated blood refers to blood that has been to the lungs and is carrying oxygen in the hemoglobin. (23)
oxygen debt  A condition that develops when skeletal muscles are used strenuously for a minute or two. (29)
oxyhemoglobin  Hemoglobin that is bound to oxygen. It is bright red in color. (29)
oxytocin (OT)  A hormone that causes contraction of the uterus during childbirth and the ejection of milk from mammary glands during breastfeeding. (32)
package insert  A manufacturer's printed guideline for the use and dosing of a drug;includes the pharmacokinetics, dosage forms, and other relevant information about a drug. (51)
packed red blood cells  Red blood cells that collect at the bottom of a centrifuged blood sample. (48)
palate  The roof of the mouth. (33)
palatine  Bones that form the anterior portion of the roof of the mouth and the palate. (24)
palatine tonsils  Two masses of lymphatic tissue located at the back of the throat. (33)
palpation  A type of touch used by healthcare providers to determine characteristics such as texture, temperature, shape, and the presence of movement. (38)
palpatory method  Systolic blood pressure measured by using the sense of touch. This measurement provides a necessary preliminary approximation of the systolic blood pressure to ensure an adequate level of inflation when the actual auscultatory measurement is made. (37)
palpitations  Unusually rapid, strong, or irregular pulsations of the heart. (57)
pancreatic amylase  An enzyme that digests carbohydrates. (33)
pancreatic lipase  An enzyme that digests lipids. (33)
panel  Tests frequently ordered together that are organ or disease oriented. (19)
papillae  The "bumps" of the tongue in which the taste buds are found. (35)
paranasal sinuses  Air-filled spaces within skull bones that open into the nasal cavity. (29)
parasite  An organism that lives on or in another organism and relies on it for nourishment or some other advantage to the detriment of the host organism. (46)
parasympathetic division  A division of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for rest and digestion. (30)
parathyroid glands  Four small glands embedded in the posterior thyroid gland that secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH); also known as parathormone. (34)
parathyroid hormone  A hormone that helps regulate calcium levels in the bloodstream. It increases blood calcium by decreasing bone calcium. (32)
parenteral nutrition  Nutrition obtained when specially prepared nutrients are injected directly into patients' veins rather than taken by mouth. (55)
paresthesias  Abnormal sensations ranging from burning to tingling. (30)
parietal  Bones that form most of the top and sides of the skull. (24)
parietal cells  Stomach cells that secrete hydrochloric acid, which is necessary to convert pepsinogen to pepsin. Parietal cells also secrete intrinsic factor, which is necessary for vitamin B 12 absorption. (33)
parietal pericardium  The layer on top of the visceral pericardium. (26)
parietal peritoneum  The lining of the abdominal cavity. (33)
parotid glands  The largest of the salivary glands. The parotid glands are located beneath the skin just in front of the ears. (33)
participating physicians  Physicians who enroll in managed care plans. They have contracts with MCOs that stipulate their fees. (17)
participatory teaching  Method of teaching that includes demonstrations of techniques that may be necessary to show that something has been learned. (14)
partnership  A form of medical practice management in which two or more parties practice together under a written agreement, specifying the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of each partner. (5)
parturition  The act of giving birth. (32)
passive listening  Hearing what a person has to say without responding in any way; contrast with active listening. (4)
patch test  An allergy test in which a gauze patch soaked with a suspected allergen is taped onto the skin with nonallergenic tape; used to discover the cause of contact dermatitis. (42)
patella  The bone commonly referred to as the kneecap. (24)
pathogen  A micro organism capable of causing disease. (6)
pathologist  A medical doctor who studies the changes a disease produces in the cells, fluids, and processes of the entire body. (2)
patient advocacy  The act of speaking and acting on behalf of the patient's needs and well-being. (3)
patient compliance  Obedience in terms of following a physician's orders. (41)
patient ledger card  A card containing information needed for insurance purposes, including the patient's name, address, telephone number, Social Security number, insurance information, employer's name, and any special billing instructions. It also includes the name of the person who is responsible for charges if this is anyone other than the patient. (21)
patient record/chart  A compilation of important information about a patient's medical history and present condition. (11)
payee  A person who receives a payment. (21)
payer  A person who pays a bill or writes a check. (21)
pay schedule  A list showing how often an employee is paid, such as weekly, biweekly, or monthly. (21)
pectoral girdle  The structure that attaches the arms to the axial skeleton. (24)
pediatrician  A specialist who diagnoses and treats childhood diseases and teaches parents skills for keeping their children healthy. (2)
pediculosis  The medical term for lice. (23)
pegboard system  A bookkeeping system that uses a lightweight board with pegs on which forms can be stacked, allowing each transaction to be entered and recorded on four different bookkeeping forms at once; also called the one-write system. (21)
pelvic girdle  The structure that attaches the legs to the axial skeleton. (24)
pepsin  An enzyme that allows the body to digest proteins. (33)
pepsinogen  Substance that is secreted by the chief cells in the lining of the stomach and becomes pepsin in the presence of acid. (33)
peptidases  Enzymes that digest proteins. (33)
percussion  Tapping or striking the body to hear sounds or feel vibration. (38)
percutaneous exposure  Exposure to a pathogen through a puncture wound or needlestick. (46)
pericardium  A membrane that covers the heart and large blood vessels attached to it. (26)
perilymph  A fluid in the inner ear. When this fluid moves, it activates hearing and equilibrium receptors. (35)
perimetrium  The thin layer that covers the myometrium of the uterus. (32)
perimysium  The connective tissue that divides a muscle into sections called fascicles. (25)
perineum  In the male, the area between the scrotum and anus; in the female, the area between the vagina and rectum. (32)
periosteum  The membrane that surrounds the diaphysis of a bone. (24)
peripheral nervous system  A system that consists of nerves that branch off the central nervous system. (30)
peristalsis  The rhythmic muscular contractions that move a substance through a tract, such as food through the digestive tract and the ovum through the fallopian tube. (32, 34)
persistence  Survival despite opposition or adverse environmental conditions. (3)
personal health record (PHR)  A health record that provides a summary of medical information, maintained in electronic or other format by an individual, that can be shared with anyone of the patient's choosing. (12)
personal protective equipment (PPE)  Any type of protective gear worn to guard against physical hazards. (6)
personal space  A certain area that surrounds an individual and within which another person's physical presence is felt as an intrusion. (4)
PET  See positron emission tomography.
petty cash fund  Cash kept on hand in the office for small purchases. (21)
PH  See parathyroid hormone.
phagocyte  A specialized white blood cell that engulfs and digests pathogens. (28)
phagocytosis  The process by which white blood cells defend the body against infection by engulfing invading pathogens. (28)
phalanges  The bones of the fingers. (24)
pharmaceutical  Pertaining to medicinal drugs. (51)
pharmacodynamics  The study of what drugs do to the body:the mechanism of action, or how they work to produce a therapeutic effect. (51)
pharmacognosy  The study of characteristics of natural drugs and their sources. (51)
pharmacokinetics  The study of what the body does to drugs:how the body absorbs, metabolizes, distributes, and excretes the drugs. (51)
pharmacology  The study of drugs. (51)
pharmacotherapeutics  The study of how drugs are used to treat disease; also called clinical pharmacology. (51)
pharyngeal tonsils  Two masses of lymphatic tissue located above the palatine tonsils; also called adenoids. (33)
pharynx  Structure below the mouth and nasal cavities that is an organ of the respiratory system as well as the digestive system. (29)
phenylketonuria  A genetically inherited disorder in which the body cannot properly metabolize the nutrient phenylalanine, resulting in the buildup of phenylketones in the blood and their presence in the urine.The accumulation of phenylketones results in mental retardation. (22, 47)
PHI  See protected health information.
philosophy  The system of values and principles an office has adopted in its everyday practice. (14)
phlebotomy  The insertion of a needle or cannula (small tube) into a vein for the purpose of withdrawing blood. (48)
photometer  An instrument that measures light intensity. (45)
PHR  See personal health record.
physiatrist  A physical medicine specialist, who diagnoses and treats diseases and disorders with physical therapy. (2)
physical therapy  A medical specialty that uses cold, heat, water, exercise, massage, traction, and other physical means to treat musculoskeletal, nervous, and cardiopulmonary disorders. (54)
physician assistant  A healthcare provider who practices medicine under the supervision of a physician. (2)
physician's office laboratory (POL)  A laboratory contained in a physician's office; processing tests in the POL produces quick turnaround and eliminates the need for patients to travel to other test locations. (45)
physiology  The science of the study of the body's functions. (22)
pineal body  A small gland located between the cerebral hemispheres that secretes melatonin. (34)
pitch  The high or low quality in the sound of a person's speaking voice. (13)
PKU  See phenylketonuria.
placebo effect  The belief that a medication or treatment works even though it is not scientifically substantiated. In research, a placebo is an inactive substance or preparation used as a control to determine the effectiveness of a medicinal drug.
placenta  An organ located between the mother and the fetus. It permits the absorption of nutrients and oxygen. In some cases, harmful substances such as viruses are absorbed through the placenta. (32)
plantar flexion  Pointing the toes downward. (25)
plasma  The fluid component of blood, in which formed elements are suspended; makes up 55% of blood volume. (48)
plastic surgeon  A specialist who reconstructs, corrects, or improves body structures. (2)
platelets  Fragments of cytoplasm in the blood that are crucial to clot formation; also called thrombocytes. (27)
pleura  The membranes that surround the lungs. (29)
pleural effusion  A buildup of fluid within the pleural cavity. (29)
pleurisy  Also known as pleuritis; this is an inflammation of the parietal pleura of the lungs. (29)
pleuritis  A condition in which the pleura become inflamed, which causes them to stick together. It can also cause an excess amount of fluid to form between the membranes. (29)
plexus  A structure that is formed when spinal nerves fuse together. It includes the cervical, brachial, and lumbosacral nerves. (30)
PMS  See premenstrual syndrome.
pneumoconiosis  This is the name given to lung diseases that result from years of exposure to different environmental or occupational types of dust. (29)
pneumothorax  The presence of air or gas in the pleural cavity. The lung typically collapses with pneumothorax. (29)
PNS  See peripheral nervous system.
podiatrist  Physician who specializes in the study and treatment of the foot and ankle. (2)
POL  See physician's office laboratory.
polar body  A nonfunctional cell that is one of two small cells formed during the division of an oocyte. (32)
polarity  The condition of having two separate poles, one of which is positive and the other, negative. (49)
polarized  The state in which the outside of a cell membrane is positively charged and the inside is negatively charged. Polarization occurs when a neuron is at rest. (30)
policies and procedures (P&P)  A key written communication tool in the medical office that covers all office policies for administrative and clinical procedures. (56)
polypharmacy  The administration of many drugs at the same time. (41)
polysaccharide  A type of carbohydrate that is a starch. (33)
POMR  The problem oriented medical record system for keeping patients' charts. Information in a POMR includes the database of information about the patient and the patient's condition, the problem list, the diagnostic and treatment plan, and progress notes. (11)
portfolio  A collection of an applicant's résumé, reference letters, and other documents of interest to a potential employer. (58)
positive tilt test  When the pulse rate increases more than 10 beats per minute (bpm) and the blood pressure drops more than 20 points while taking vital signs in the lying, sitting, and standing positions. (37)
positron emission tomography (PET)  A radiologic procedure that entails injecting isotopes combined with other substances involved in metabolic activity, such as glucose. These special isotopes emit positrons, which a computer processes and displays on a screen. (42, 50)
postcoital  After sexual union. (39)
posterior  Anatomic term meaning toward the back of the body. Also called dorsal. (22)
postnatal period  The period following childbirth. (32)
postoperative  Taking place after a surgical procedure. (44)
postural hypotension  A situation in which blood pressure becomes low and the pulse increases when a patient is moved from a lying to a standing position; also known as orthostatic hypotension. (37)
posture  Body position and alignment. (54)
power of attorney  The legal right to act as the attorney or agent of another person, including handling that person's financial matters. (21)
PPE  See personal protective equipment.
PPO  See preferred provider organization.
practitioner  One who practices a profession. (1)
preauthorization  Authorization or approval for payment from a third-party payer requested in advance of a specific procedure. (17)
pre-certification  A determination of the amount of money that will be paid by a third-party payer for a specific procedure before the procedure is conducted. (17)
preferred provider organization  A managed care plan that establishes a network of providers to perform services for plan members. (17)
prefix  A word part that comes at the beginning of a medical term that alters the meaning of the term. (22)
premenstrual syndrome  A syndrome that is a collection of symptoms that occur just before the menstrual period. (32)
premium  The basic annual cost of healthcare insurance. (17)
prenatal period  The period that includes the embryonic and fetal periods until the delivery of the offspring. (32)
preoperative  Taking place prior to surgery. (44)
prepuce  A piece of skin in the uncircumcized male that covers the glans penis. (32)
presbyopia  A common eye disorder that results in the loss of lens elasticity. Presbyopia develops with age and causes a person to have difficulty seeing objects close up. (43)
prescribe  To give a patient a prescription to be filled by a pharmacy. (51)
prescription  A physician's written order for medication. (51)
prescription drug  A drug that can be legally used only by order of a physician and must be administered or dispensed by a licensed healthcare professional. (51)
preventive medicine  The branch of medical science concerned with the prevention of disease and with promotion of physical and mental health, through study of the etiology and epidemiology of disease processes. (2, 41)
primary care physician (PCP)  A physician who provides routine medical care and referrals to specialists. (2)
primary diagnosis  The diagnosis given as the primary reason for the patient seeking care. (18)
primary germ layer  An inner cell mass that organizes into layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. (32)
prime mover  The muscle responsible for most of the movement when a body movement is produced by a group of muscles. (25)
primordial follicle  A structure that develops in the ovarian cortex of a female infant before she is born. (32)
principal diagnosis  The diagnosis that is found, after testing and study, to be the main reason for the patient's need for healthcare services. (18)
prioritizing  Sorting and dealing with matters in the order of urgency and importance. (3)
Privacy Rule  Common name for the HIPAA Standard for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information, which provides the first comprehensive federal protection for the privacy of health information.The Privacy Rule creates national standards to protect individuals' medical records and other personal health information. (5)
PRL  See prolactin.
probationary period  A trial period where the employer may terminate the new employee without cause. (56)
problem solving  A step-by-step approach that uses critical thinking and good judgment to deal with situations or occurrences that need resolution. (3)
procedure code  Codes that represent medical procedures, such as surgery and diagnostic tests, and medical services, such as an examination to evaluate a patient's condition. (19)
proctologist  Physician who diagnoses and treats disorders of the anus, rectum, and intestines. (2)
proctoscopy  An examination of the lower rectum and anal canal with a 3-inch instrument called a proctoscope to detect hemorrhoids, polyps, fissures, fistulas, and abscesses. (42)
professional development  The skills and knowledge attained for both personal development and career advancement. (1)
professional objective  A brief, general statement that demonstrates a career goal. (58)
proficiency testing program  A required set of tests for clinical laboratories;the tests measure the accuracy of the laboratory's test results and adherence to standard operating procedures. (45)
progesterone  A female steroid hormone primarily produced by the ovary. (32)
prognosis  A prediction of the probable course of a disease in an individual and the chances of recovery. (38)
prolactin  A hormone that stimulates milk production in the mammary glands. (34)
prolapse  A sinking of an organ or other part, especially its appearance at a natural or artificial orifice. (41)
proliferation phase  The second phase of wound healing, in which new tissue forms, closing off the wound. (44)
pronation  Turning the palms of the hand downward. (25)
pronunciation  The sounding out of words. (13)
proofreading  Checking a document for formatting, data, and mechanical errors. (10)
prophase  Movement of the replicated centrioles to the opposite ends of the cell, creating spindle-like fibers during mitosis. (22)
proportion method  A fraction formula based on ratios and proportions that is used to calculate dosage. (52)
prostaglandin  A local hormone derived from lipid molecules. Prostaglandins typically do not travel in the bloodstream to find their target cells because their targets are close by. This hormone has numerous effects, including uterine stimulation during childbirth. (34)
prostate gland  A chestnut shaped gland that surrounds the beginning of the urethra in the male. (32)
prostatitis  Inflammation of the prostate gland, which can be acute or chronic. (32)
protected health information  Individually identifiable health information that is transmitted or maintained by electronic or other media, such as computer storage devices.The core of the HIPAA Privacy Rule is the protection, use, and disclosure of protected health information (5)
protein  Macromolecules consisting of long sequences of a-amino acids [H2N-CHR-COOH] in peptide (amide) linkage (elimination of H2O between the a-NH2 and a-COOH of successive residues). Protein is three-fourths of the dry weight of most cell matter and is involved in structures, hormones, enzymes, muscle contraction, immunologic response, and essential life functions. Th e amino acids involved are generally the 20 a-amino acids (glycine, lalanine) recognized by the genetic code. Cross-links yielding globular forms of protein are often effected through the –SH groups of two sulfur-containing l-cysteinyl residues, as well as by noncovalent forces (e.g., hydrogen bonds, lipophilic attractions). (55)
proteinuria  An excess of protein in the urine. (47)
protozoan  A single-celled eukaryotic organism much larger than a bacterium;some protozoans can cause disease in humans. (46)
protraction  Moving a body part anteriorly. (25)
proximal  Anatomic term meaning closer to a point of attachment or closer to the trunk of the body. (22)
proximal convoluted tubule  The portion of the renal tubule that is directly attached to the glomerular capsule and becomes the loop of Henle. (31)
psoriasis  A common skin condition characterized by reddish-silver scaly lesions most often found on the elbows, knees, scalp, and trunk. (23)
puberty  The period of adolescence when a person begins to develop secondary sexual traits and reproductive functions. (40)
pubis  The area that forms the front of a hip bone. (24)
pulmonary circuit  The route that blood takes from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart again. (26)
pulmonary circulation  The passage of blood from the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery to the lungs and back through the pulmonary veins to the left atrium. (26)
pulmonary function test  A test that evaluates a patient's lung volume and capacity; used to detect and diagnose pulmonary problems or to monitor certain respiratory disorders and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. (49)
pulmonary semilunar valve  A heart valve that is a semilunar valve. It is situated between the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk. (26)
pulmonary trunk  A large artery that branches into the pulmonary arteries and carries blood to the lungs. (26)
punctuality  Showing up on appointed dates and at appointed times. (3)
puncture wound  A deep wound caused by a sharp, pointed object. (44)
punitive damages  Money paid as punishment for intentionally breaking the law. (20)
pupil  The opening at the center of the iris, which grows smaller or larger as the iris contracts or relaxes, respectively;it regulates the amount of light that enters the eye. (35)
purchase order  A form that authorizes a purchase for the practice. (8)
purchasing groups  Groups of medical offices associated with a nearby hospital that order supplies through the hospital to obtain a quantity discount. (8)
Purkinje fibers  Cardiac fibers that are located in the lateral walls of the ventricles. (26)
pyelonephritis  A urinary tract infection that involves one or both of the kidneys. (31)
pyloric sphincter  The valve-like structure composed of a circular band of muscle at the juncture of the stomach and small intestine. (33)
pyothorax  Pus or infected fluid in the pleural cavity causing collapse of the lung. (29)
pyrogens  Fever-producing substances released by neutrophils. (48)
QC  See quality control.
qi  According to traditional Chinese medicine, a vital energy that flows throughout the body.
quadrants  Four equal sections, such as those into which the abdomen is figuratively divided during an examination. (38)
qualitative analysis  In microbiology, identification of bacteria present in a specimen by the appearance of colonies grown on a culture plate. (46)
qualitative test response  A test result that indicates the substance tested for is either present or absent. (45)
quality assurance program  A required program for clinical laboratories designed to monitor the quality of patient care, including quality control, instrument and equipment maintenance, proficiency testing, training and continuing education, and standard operating procedures documentation. (45)
quality control (QC)  An ongoing system, required in every physician's office, to evaluate the quality of medical care provided. (46)
quality control program  A component of a quality assurance program that focuses on ensuring accuracy in laboratory test results through careful monitoring of test procedures. (45)
quantitative analysis  In microbiology, a determination of the number of bacteria present in a specimen by direct count of colonies grown on a culture plate. (46)
quantitative test results  The concentration of a test substance in a specimen. (45)
quarterly return  The Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, a form submitted to the IRS every 3 months that summarizes the federal income and employment taxes withheld from employees' paychecks. (21)
qui tam  Latin, meaning "to bring action for the king and for one's self."(5)
RA  See explanation of benefits, remittance advice.
radial artery  An artery located in the groove on the thumb side of the inner wrist, where the pulse is taken on adults. (37)
radiation therapy  The use of x-rays and radioactive substances to treat cancer. (50)
radiography  Examination of any part of the body for diagnostic purposes by means of x-rays with the record of the findings usually impressed on a photographic film. (50)
radiologist  A physician who specializes in taking and reading x-rays. (2)
radius  The lateral bone of the forearm. (24)
rales  Noisy respirations usually due to blockage of the bronchial tubes. (37)
RAM  See random access memory.
random access memory  The temporary, or programmable, memory in a computer. (8)
random urine specimen  A single urine specimen taken at any time of the day; the most common type of sample collected. (47)
range of motion  The degree to which a joint is able to move. (54)
rapport  A harmonious, positive relationship. (4)
RBRVS  See resource-based relative value scale.
read only memory  A computer's permanent memory, which can be read by the computer but not changed. It provides the computer with the basic operating instructions it needs to function. (8)
reagent  A chemical or chemically treated substance used in test procedures and formulated to react in specific ways when exposed under specific conditions. (45)
reconciliation  A comparison of the office's financial records with bank records to ensure that they are consistent and accurate; usually done when the monthly checking account statement is received from the bank. (21)
records management system  How patient records are created, filed, and maintained. (15)
recovery position  The position a person is placed in after receiving first aid for choking or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. (57)
rectum  The last section of the sigmoid colon that straightens out and becomes the anal canal. (33)
Red Flags Rule  A law requiring certain businesses, including most medical offices and other healthcare facilities, to develop written programs to detect the warning signs, or red flags, of identity theft. (7)
reference  A recommendation for employment from a facility or a preceptor. (5)
reference laboratory  A laboratory owned and operated by an organization outside the physician's practice. (45)
referral  An authorization from a medical practice for a patient to have specialized services performed by another practice; often required for insurance purposes. (17)
reflection  When a thought, idea or opinion is formed as a result of deeper thought. (36)
reflex  A predictable automatic response to stimuli. (30)
reflexology  Manual therapy to the foot and/or hand in which pressure is applied to "reflex" points mapped out on the feet or hands.
refraction  The bending of light by the cornea, lens, and eye fluids to focus light onto the retina. (35)
refraction examination  An eye examination in which the patient looks through a succession of different lenses to find out which ones create the clearest image. (43)
refractometer  An optical instrument that measures the refraction, or bending, of light as it passes through a liquid. (47)
Registered Medical Assistant  A medical assistant who has met the educational requirements and taken and passed the certification examination for medical assisting given by the American Medical Technologists (AMT). (1)
registration  The recording of information (e.g., licensure, birth or death date). (1)
Reiki  The use of visualization and touch to balance energy flow and bring healthy energy to affected body parts.
relaxin  A hormone that comes from the corpus luteum. It inhibits uterine contractions and relaxes the ligaments of the pelvis in preparation for childbirth. (32)
remedy  A treatment prescribed by a homeopath in small amounts that in large doses would produce the same symptoms seen in the patient.
remittance advice  A form that the patient and the practice receive for each encounter that outlines the amount billed by the practice, the amount allowed, the amount of subscriber liability, the amount paid, and notations of any service not covered, including an explanation of why that service is not covered; also called an explanation of benefits. (17)
renal calculi  Kidney stones. (31)
renal column  The portion of the renal cortex between the renal pyramids. (31)
renal corpuscle  Corpuscle that is composed of the glomerulus and the glomerular capsule. The filtration of blood occurs here. (31)
renal cortex  The outermost layer of the kidney. (31)
renal medulla  The middle portion of the kidney. (31)
renal pelvis  The internal structure of the kidney. Urine flows from the renal pelvis down the ureter. (31)
renal pyramids  Triangular-shaped areas in the medulla of the kidney. (31)
renal sinus  The medial depression of a kidney. (31)
renal tubule  Structure that extends from the glomerular capsule of a nephron and is composed of the proximal convoluted tubule, the loop of Henle, and the distal convoluted tubule. (31)
renin  A hormone secreted by the kidney that helps to regulate blood pressure. (31)
repolarization  The process of returning to the original polar (resting) state. (30, 49)
reputable  Having a good reputation. (8)
requisition  A formal request from a staff member or doctor for the purchase of equipment or supplies. (8)
reservoir host  An animal, insect, or human whose body is susceptible to growth of a pathogen. (6)
resident normal flora  Bacteria, fungi, and protozoa that have taken up residence either in or on the human body. Some of these organisms neither help nor harm the host and some are beneficial, creating a barrier against pathogens.
res ipsa loquitur  Latin, meaning "the thing speaks for itself," which is also known as the doctrine of common knowledge. (5)
resource-based relative value scale  The payment system used by Medicare. It establishes the relative value units for services, replacing the providers' consensus on usual fees. (17)
respiratory distress syndrome  Condition found usually in premature babies, who lack the substance surfactant in their lungs, causing the lungs to collapse on expiration. (29)
respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette  Infection control guideline that includes teaching the patient to cover his or her mouth/nose when coughing and dispose of tissues in the proper receptacle. (38)
respiratory volume  The different volumes of air that move in and out of the lungs during different intensities of breathing. These volumes can be measured to assess the healthiness of the respiratory system. (29)
respondeat superior  Latin, meaning "let the master answer," a doctrine under which an employer is legally liable for the acts of his or her employees, if such acts were performed within the scope of the employee's duties. (5)
restatement  Repeating what a patient says in your own words back to the patient. (36)
résumé  A typewritten document summarizing one's employment and educational history. (1)
retention schedule  A schedule that details how long to keep different types of patient records in the office after they have become inactive or closed and how long the records should be stored. (15)
retina  The inner layer of the eye; contains light-sensing nerve cells. (35)
retraction  Moving a body part posteriorly. (25)
retrograde pyelography  A radiologic procedure in which the doctor injects a contrast medium through a urethral catheter and takes a series of x-rays to evaluate function of the ureters, bladder, and urethra. (50)
retroperitoneal  An anatomic term that means behind the peritoneal cavity. It is where the kidneys lie. (31)
return demonstration  Participatory teaching method in which the technique is first described to the patient and then demonstrated to the patient; the patient is then asked to repeat the demonstration. (14)
review of systems  A process of gathering information about a patient's health history regardless of apparent relevance to the chief complaint. (11)
rhabdomyolysis  A condition in which the kidneys have been damaged due to toxins released from muscle cells. (25)
Rhantigen  A protein first discovered on the red blood cells of rhesus monkeys, hence the name Rh. (27)
RhoGAM  A medication that prevents an Rh-negative mother from making antibodies against the Rh antigen. (27)
ribosomes  The organelle within the cytoplasm responsible for protein synthesis. (22)
RMA  See Registered Medical Assistant.
RNA  A nucleic acid used to make protein. (22)
rods  Light-sensing nerve cells in the eye, at the posterior of the retina, that function in dim light but do not provide sharp images or detect color. (35)
ROM  See read only memory.
rosacea  A condition characterized by chronic redness and acne over the nose and cheeks. (23)
rotation  Twisting a body part. (25)
route  The way a drug is introduced into the body. (51)
rugae  The expandable folds of an organ. (32) The folds of the stomach lining. (33)

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