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1. "Do you really think that the pre-employment interviews and assessments can predict how well a person will perform after being hired?" asked Michael. "Maybe. But if I were a company who hired on the basis of these tests, I might worry about the legality of doing that," answered Nancy. "I've always worked for our family business," Michael added, "so I have no idea what it's like to go through the pre-employment process." Michael and Nancy can get many questions answered at the Saterfiel and Associates website, including information about legality. They can also try out one or two assessments and learn the criteria for hiring prospective job applicants. At the Psychology Matters website, they can check out links that deal with "Testing and Assessment," "Workplace/Industry," "Improving Human Performance," and other related topics.

2. "I never thought about working in industry before reading this chapter," said Jethro. "Now it sounds like something I might like to do." He can read some interesting articles about this field at the website of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP—a division of APA that is also an organizational affiliate of APS), and if he clicks on the visitors link he can learn what SIOP and I/O psychologists do:

3. "This is it—this is what I want to do with my life," cried Walter. "I want to combine psychology and the law. What an excellent way to focus on the two professions that I find most fascinating." Walter can find articles specifically relating to psychology and law at the Psychology Matters site, he can learn more about psychology and the law at the American Psychology and Law Society, Student Section website, and he can read the U.S. Department of Justice publication, Eyewitness Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement, which provides basic procedures for law enforcement agencies across the United States to obtain the most reliable and accurate information from eyewitnesses by going to these sites:

4. "After reading the section in the chapter on human factors engineering, don't you wonder about some designs that didn't turn out quite right?" Harvey asked. "I bet some of them are hysterically funny," chortled Dawn. She continued, "You could probably learn a lot from seeing the ones that were really awful—I know that I learn more from my mistakes than from my successes, and sometimes it's just plain fun to laugh at some of the silly things that people have done." Harvey and Dawn can learn a lot and laugh a lot by going to the website by Michael J. Darnell on "Bad Human Factors Designs":

5. Lance and Joanna have two young children. They are extremely worried about the future that the present generation is leaving to the generations to come. They want to know what they can do to help protect the environment and, in so doing, protect their children and grandchildren, and all those who follow after them. They can get a lot of information on environmental issues and solutions, and will find a search engine for environmental topics at Envirolink:

6. "What do you think about the government funding a program for children with disabilities?" Mariana asked. "Well, if you consider how many problems kids have these days, from being born addicted or with diseases that might have killed them off if it weren't for modern medicine, and illnesses and injuries they develop from environmental factors, I think we have a responsibility to do something to be sure that they get educated," answered Peter. He continued, "It's important for the government to fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)." Mariana and Peter can learn more about the act and the services it provides by going to the IDEA website:

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