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Matching Key People
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Match each of the following persons with the statement or theory that most closely reflects his or her perspective.

Albert Bandura


Carol Gilligan


Eliot Aronson


Erik Erikson


Lawrence Kohlberg


Sandra Bem


William Pollack


Carol Dweck

A)Proposed a psychosocial conflict theory of development in which the struggle between industry and inferiority characterizes middle and late childhood
B)Emphasized the difference between justice and care perspectives of moral reasoning; expressed concern that traditional theories of moral development (primarily the theory of Lawrence Kohlberg) are based on male norms
C)Believes that boys are still being raised in much the same way as they always have been; discussed the perpetuation of the "boy code"
D)Created the jigsaw classroom to reduce conflict and increase cooperation in schools
E)Devised an inventory to measure gender orientation; promoted androgyny for healthy gender development
F)Proposed a social cognitive theory that emphasizes the importance of self-efficacy in socioemotional development
G)Believes that there are two cognitive mind-sets regarding our ability to change and improve our individual qualities over time—the growth and the fixed mind-sets
H)Stressed that moral development is based on moral reasoning; moral reasoning develops in three levels: preconventional, conventional, and postconventional

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