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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following do Cartesian dualists reject?
A)that minds and bodies exist.
B)that minds and bodies can exist independently of each other.
C)that minds exist in time.
D)that minds exist in space.
One of the problems with Cartesian dualism is that
A)it cannot explain perception.
B)it cannot explain emotions.
C)it cannot explain reason.
D)it cannot explain mind/body interaction.
Logical behaviorism claims that mental states are
A)behavioral dispositions.
B)behavioral propositions.
C)behavioral acquisitions.
D)behavioral subdivisions.
Eliminative materialists maintain that
A)there are no material objects.
B)there are no abstract objects.
C)there are no physical states.
D)there are no mental states.
The doctrine that "there's nothing in the intellect that wasn't first in the senses" was accepted by
A)the rationalists.
C)the empiricists.
According to logical behaviorism, all talk about mental states is really talk about
A)brain states.
B)the unconscious.
C)behavioral dispositions.
D)behavioral propositions.
Ryle's University Seeker thought experiment is intended to show that
A)minds exist in the same way that bodies do.
B)minds are not simply complex patterns of behavior.
C)minds, like universities, are simply complex patterns of behavior.
D)the "ghost in the machine" is an accurate description of the mind-body relationship.
Putnam's Conscious Computer thought experiment is intended to show that
A)identifying a mental state with its physical or chemical realization is absurd.
B)facts about mental states suggest that mental states are sophisticated illusions.
C)identifying a mental state with its physical or chemical realization is a reasonable supposition.
D)identifying a mental state with its physical or chemical realization is not at all absurd.
Searle's Chinese Gym thought experiment is intended to show that
A)Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment has force against connection computers.
B)connection computers are inferior to sequential computers.
C)connection computers fare no better than sequential computers in achieving real understanding.
D)there's nothing more to being intelligent than simply producing the right output relative to a given input.
Chalmer's Zombies thought experiment is intended to show that
A)Chalmers’s zombies are inconceivable.
B)mental properties can be explained in terms of physical properties.
C)mental properties cannot be explained in terms of physical properties.
D)substance dualism is the best explanation of conscious experience.

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