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Thought Probes
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The Approaching Singularity: If further research into artificial intelligence may result in the extinction of the human race, should it be allowed to continue?

A Brief History of Intellectual Discussion of Accelerating Change
From Henry Adams to Vernor Vinge, this article looks at Singularity discussion through the ages.

Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards
Nick Bostrum assesses threats to human survival, including the threats posed by the singularity and super artificial intelligence.

How to Avoid a Robot Takeover: Political and Ethical Choices in the Design and Introduction of Intelligent Artifacts
Blay Whitby and Kane Oliver discuss the possibility of a "robot takeover" and the human choices that may affect its likelihood.

Living in the Matrix: Is it possible that you are living in a computer-generated dream world as depicted in the movie The Matrix?

Are you living in a computer simulation?
Nick Bostrum’s argument that we may be living in a computer simulation.

What's So Bad about Living in the Matrix?
Article on the Matrix by James Pryor

The Biblical Conception of the Person: Does the Bible support the view that people have an immortal soul?

Is Your Soul Immortal? What does the Bible say about the immortality...
Interpretation of the Bible

Animal Soul: Do animals have minds or souls?

Animal Consciousness
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Animal Intelligence
General BBC guide with overview of issues such as symbolic complexity, tool use, etc.

NATURE: Inside the Animal Mind
Collection of articles and video clips to accompany PBS television special.

Animal Cognition and Learning
Course web site with numerous links by Robert Cook (Tufts University)

Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on animal soul

Heaven without Bodies: Would eternal existence as an immaterial soul be desirable?

Problems with Heaven
Michael Martin looks at the incoherence of the concept of heaven

In Heaven There Is No Pez
Rick Bayan on existence as an immaterial soul.

Bodies, Minds, and Death: Do those in a permanent vegetative state have minds? If not, should they be declared dead?

An alternative conceptual structure for the resolution of end-of-life
Thesis on the problems associated with those in a permanent vegetative state

Mental Relay Stations: Is the brain nothing more that a mental relay station sending and receiving signals from the mind?

The Ultimate Lie Detector: If mental states are brain states, then we should be able to read people's minds by scanning their brains. If such machines are developed, should we use them in courts of law?

Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories
Site devoted to the brain fingerprinting technology pioneered by Dr. Farwell.

Brain Fingerprints Under Scrutiny
BBC news article on the use of brain fingerprinting.

Brain Scans Make for More Accurate Lie Detectors
NPR report on the use of brain scans as lie detectors.

Don't Even Think About Lying
Steve Silberman's first person report from on having his brain scanned.

Intelligent Robots: Should intelligent robots be given the same rights as humans?

The Rights of Robots: Technology, Culture and Law in the 21st Century
Phil McNally looks at the issue of robot rights.

A Jurisprudence of Artilects: Blueprint for a Synthetic Citizen
Frank W. Sudia 's article considers robot rights in light of the fact that robot intelligence may significantly exceed our own.

The Rights of Your Robots: Exclusion and Includion in History and Future
Sohail Inayatullah on robot rights in the grand historical context of the "progressive expansion of rights."

Speciesism: If you found that a loved one was not made out of flesh and blood, would you love them less?

Robot Servants
Article by John McCarthy (Stanford University) on the effects of using robots as servants

Neural Prostheses: Would you replace damaged brain cells with computer chips?

Neural Prosthesis Program
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Pseudonormal Vision

Pseudonormal Vision
Article by philosopher Martine Nida-Rumelin explaining the significance of pseudonormal vision for the philosophy of mind.

Color Science and Spectrum Inversion: A Reply to Nida Rumelin
Response by Peter Ross to Rumelin's claim that pseudonormal vision is physically possible.

Intrinsic Phenomenal Properties in Color Vision Science: A Reply to Peter Ross
Rumelin's reply to Ross.

Computerized Resurrection: If the program running on your brain was run on another computer sometime after you died, would you be resurrected?

Modern Cosmology, God, and the Resurrection of the Dead
Theologian Wolfhart Pannenberg (University of Munich) defends Tipler's view of resurrection

The Physics of Immortality
Review of Tipler’s The Physics of Immortality by George Johnson for the New York Times

The Physics of Immortality
A collection of links to reviews of Tipler's book maintained by Disinformation

The Internet Evolution: Could the Internet – consisting of billions of networked computers – actually evolve into a conscious mind?

The Soul of the Ultimate Machine
Larry Smarr on the emerging planetary supercomputer.

Artificial Intelligence in the World Wide Web
David Stork on the Internet as a platform for intelligence.

Is Data a Person: Can a robot that has no feelings or emotions be considered a person?

Synesthesia: Does the existence of Synesthesia support the claim that functionalism can't account for conscious experience?

Evidence against functionalism from neuroimaging of the alien colour effect in synaesthesia
Abstract of a study on Synaesthesia that lays out the case against functionalism.

Synesthesia in the Media
Links to articles dealing with synesthesia.

The Synesthetic Experience
Factual information, individual anecdotes, and interactive activities which simulate synesthesia.

The Loebner Prize: Is the Loebner Prize a good implementation of the Turing test?

Lessons from a Restricted Turing Test
An anti-Loebner article arguing that “the competition has no clear purpose, that its design prevents any useful outcome, and that such a competition is inappropriate given the current level of technology.”

In Response
Hugh Loebner himself responds to the criticism.

A Wager on the Turing Test: The Rules
An explanation of the rules for a non-Loebner version of the Turing Test.

Links to many different chatbots on the internet.

Total Turing Test: Is passing the Total Turing Test either necessary or sufficient for being intelligent and thus having a mind?

The Age of Intelligent Machines: Can Machines Think?
Daniel Dennett on the problem of machine intelligence.

Can a robot that has no feelings or emotions be considered a person?

Devout Robots: Should a robot that passed the Turing test and asked to be baptized be baptized?

Rethinking Deep Blue: Why a computer can't reproduce a mind
Article by Erik Larson

The Rights of Robots
Article by Phil McNally and Sohail Inayatullah (World Futures Studies Federation)

Zombies on the Web
Collection of zombie links compiled by David Chalmers (University of Arizona)

Conversations with Zombies
Article by Todd Moody (St. Joseph's University) arguing that zombies could not do everything we do

You Can't Argue with a Zombie
Article by Jaron Lanier (founder of virtual reality) arguing that it is possible to distinguish a zombie from a real person

Article by Tom Polger (Duke University) from the Field Guide to the Philosophy of Mind

Seeing Color for the First Time: Does the real-world case of Kevin bolster Jackson 's claim that qualia are not physical properties?

Qualia: The Knowledge Argument
Extensive entry on the Knowledge Argument in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Vision in a Complete Achromat: A Personal Account
A personal account of life as an achromat.

Pan-en-theism: Is it plausible to believe that we are living inside God’s brain?

Placebos: Does the effectiveness of placebos lend credence to the claim that the mind has a downward causal effect on the body?

How Could Conscious Experience Affect Brains?
Article by Max Velmans (University of London) outlining a model for understanding mental causation

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