Art in Focus

Chapter 15: Gothic Art

Additional Studio Projects


Complete a pencil drawing of a landscape in which one object is singled out and emphasized by its larger size or by its placement at or near the center of the composition. The landscape should suggest a particular season of the year. Design all the objects in the drawing to fit within a half-round or triangular shape. Indicate in writing whether your landscape will be balanced symmetrically or asymmetrically.


Compare and contrast the examples of Gothic and Romanesque tympana in Figure 15.15 and Figure 15.19 in your textbook. Which of these appears more lifelike? How is each balanced?

  • Pencils and sketch paper, 12 × 18 inches
  • Ruler
  • Scissors

  1. On a sheet of paper, list the kinds of things you are likely to see in the landscape on a long walk in the country during a particular season of the year. Make several quick sketches.
  2. On a large sheet of sketch paper, outline a half-round or triangular shape measuring no less than 12 inches in length and 8 inches in height. Cut this out.
  3. Look over your landscape sketches and identify one item you want to emphasize. Draw it at or near the center of your composition.
  4. Add the other objects to your landscape, making certain that they fit comfortably within the half-round or triangular shape.


Describe Point out and name the different objects in your landscape. What is the most unusual object in your drawing?

Analyze Which object did you choose to emphasize in your composition? Is your composition balanced symmetrically or asymmetrically? Do the objects in your landscape fit comfortably within the half-round or triangular shape?

Interpret How does your drawing suggest a particular season? Were other students able to identify the season?

Judge What is the most successful feature of your drawing: its realistic appearance, its use of the elements and principles of art, or its effectiveness in illustrating a particular season?
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