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Clich�s - Advanced
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Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)The scandal only deepened when the press learned that Sanderson was hammered when he spoke that morning.
B)The scandal only deepened when the press learned that Sanderson was intoxicated when he spoke that morning.
C)The scandal only deepened when the press learned that Sanderson was wasted when he spoke that morning.
Choose the sentence that uses language appropriate for a general audience.
A)Some say that Marsilio Ficino was a syncretist.
B)Some say that Marsilio Ficino believed all religions contain the same basic concepts.
Choose the sentence that uses language appropriate for a general audience.
A)Studio executives get especially nervous during sweeps week.
B)Studio executives get especially nervous during the time when advertisers measure the popularity of television shows.
Choose the sentence that uses language appropriate for a general audience.
A)Bob's friend was suffering from a severe psychological disorder and needed treatment.
B)Bob's friend was suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder and needed intervention.
Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)The government minister realized that he would have to face the music.
B)The government minister realized that he would have to deal with the consequences of what he had done.
Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)Jack decided he wasn't going to be a victim of Gale's deceptions ever again.
B)Jack decided he wasn't going to get burned by Gale's deceptions ever again.
Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)Michael was nearly despondent after the kidnapping.
B)The kidnapping sent Michael into the depths of despair.
Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)Jessie flunked his English exam, so he'd better shape up.
B)Jessie failed his English exam, so he should pay better attention in class.
Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)Monica loves those old-fashioned covered wagons because she visited the Oregon Trail on vacation.
B)Monica loves those old-fashioned covered wagons because she visited the Oregon Trail on vacay.
Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)Because Narcissus was so proud, Artemis grew angry and punished him, driving him mad by making him fall in love with himself.
B)Because Narcissus was so proud, Artemis flipped out and punished him, driving him mad by making him fall in love with himself.

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