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Clich�s - Intermediate
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Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)After Joe's deception was uncovered, his application was quickly rejected.
B)After Joe's deception was uncovered, his application was dead as a doornail.
C)After Joe's deception was uncovered, the committee told him to peace out.
Choose the sentence that uses language appropriate for a general audience.
A)B. F. Skinner pioneered the use of operant conditioning, in which a subject's behaviour is shaped by altering the presence and absence of reinforcers.
B)B. F. Skinner explored the use of consequences to alter human behaviour.
C)B. F. Skinner explored the concept of punishment by contingent withdrawal of desirable stimuli.
Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)After the death of Darius the Great, the fortunes of the Persians took a turn for the worse.
B)After the death of Darius the Great, the fortunes of the Persians soon began to decline.
C)After the death of Darius the Great, the fortunes of the Persians quickly hit rock bottom.
Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)I was awestruck by the opening scene in Star Wars.
B)The opening scene in Star Wars really blew me away.
Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)Some of the one-liners in Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors cracked me up.
B)Some of the dialogue in Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors made me laugh.
Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)Patrick thought Wyoming's Grand Teton was astonishingly beautiful.
B)Patrick thought Wyoming's Grand Teton was totally radical.
Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)The ending of Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities really got to me.
B)The ending of Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities was moving.
Choose the sentence that uses clear, appropriate language.
A)There was not a dry eye in the house by the end of Schindler's List.
B)Many moviegoers wept at the end of Schindler's List.

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