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Editing Exercises - Sentence Variety - Intermediate
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The following sentence variety editing exercise depends on your knowledge and understanding of coordination and subordination. For help in successfully completing this section, please review the exercises in Editing > Coordination and Subordination.

The paragraph below is composed of short, choppy sentences. Rewrite it, aiming for more sentence variety; when combining sentences, use coordination and subordination appropriately, and be sure to add and/or delete words where necessary. (Delete the sentence numbers as you rewrite.)
1) Herodotus was a Greek historian. 2) He lived in the fifth century BC. 3) He is known as the Father of History. 4) He wrote a history of the wars between the Greeks and the Persians. 5) His work is divided into nine books. 6) Herodotus describes various Persian kings. 7) He discusses many of the ancient peoples whom the Persians conquered. 8) Finally, he explains how the Greek city-states defeated the Persians. 9) Among such states were Athens and Sparta.
The paragraph below is composed of short, choppy sentences. Rewrite it, aiming for more sentence variety; when combining sentences, use coordination and subordination appropriately, and be sure to add and/or delete words where necessary. (Delete the sentence numbers as you rewrite.)
1) Arthritis is a disease of the body's joints. 2) It causes the joints to become inflamed. 3) As a result, the patient experiences great pain. 4) The pain is often accompanied by swelling and stiffness. 5) There are two major types of arthritis: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. 6) The first often comes with age. 7) It can be painful. 8) It often can be treated with over-the-counter drugs. 9) Rheumatoid arthritis can appear in people as young as 25. 10) It, too, is very painful. 11) It is an autoimmune disease. 12) It is often treated with prescription medicines.

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