Environmental Science, 11th Edition (Cunningham)

Chapter 17: Water Use and Management

Basic Dynamics of Groundwater Movement


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Which of the following is an accurate definition of a gaining stream?
A)a gaining stream gains water from multiple tributaries
B)a gaining stream feeds water to multiple tributaries
C)a gaining stream gains water from the groundwater system
D)a gaining stream loses water to the groundwater system
E)a gaining stream gains water primarily from direct precipitation
Which of the following is an accurate definition of a losing stream?
A)a losing stream gains water from multiple tributaries
B)a losing stream feeds water to multiple tributaries
C)a losing stream gains water from the groundwater system
D)a losing stream loses water to the groundwater system
E)a losing stream loses water primarily to evaporation
How does the groundwater system respond to precipitation?
A)the water table falls and groundwater flows at a faster rate
B)the water table rises and groundwater flows at a faster rate
C)the water table falls and groundwater flows at a slower rate
D)the water table falls and groundwater flows at a faster rate
E)there is no change to the groundwater system due to precipitation
How does the groundwater system respond to drought?
A)the water table falls and groundwater flows at a faster rate
B)the water table rises and groundwater flows at a faster rate
C)the water table falls and groundwater flows at a slower rate
D)the water table falls and groundwater flows at a faster rate
E)there is no change to the groundwater system due to precipitation
Which statement most accurately describes groundwater flow?
A)groundwater always flows toward streams
B)groundwater flows from where the water table is high to where it is low
C)groundwater flows from where the water table is low to where it is high
D)groundwater always flows upward toward the surface
E)groundwater always flows downward away from the surface
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