Environmental Science, 11th Edition (Cunningham)

Chapter 8: Environmental Health and Toxicology

Animation Quiz - Inherited Pollution

Objective: The student will identify ways in which the environment may alter gene expression and be able to discuss how this effect appears to be capable of multigenerational transmission.


In their research, the scientists have observed which effects in the generations of offspring of pregnant rats treated with pesticides?
A)female infertility
B)breast tumors
C)premature aging
D)b and c only
E)all of the above

According to the scientists, the environmental toxins appear to exert their effects by:
A)directly altering mRNA sequence
B)directly altering DNA sequence
C)directly altering 3-dimensional protein structure
D)none of the above

In order for this epigenetic change to be passed on from generation to generation, which cell type MUST be affected in the rats?
A)skin cells
B)liver cells
C)germline cells (gametes)
D)all of the above

Based upon research, the scientists suggest that which of the following may cause epigenetic effects that pass on through multiple generations of offspring?
C)nuturing techniques
D)all of the above
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