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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
CONNECT: Computers in the Medical Office, 8/e

Susan M. Sanderson, CPEHR

ISBN: 0023402133
Copyright year: 2013

Feature Summary

Here’s what you and your students can expect from CiMO, 8e:
  • Coverage of Medisoft® Advanced Version 17 patient billing software, a full-featured software program, including screen captures showing how the concepts described in the book actually look in the medical billing software.

  • Both a tutorial and a simulation of Medisoft®, using a medical office setting, Family Care Center, and related patient data.

  • Detailed, easy-to-understand explanations of concepts balanced by step-by-step, hands-on exercises.

  • The necessary building blocks for students to establish a strong skill set and gain confidence to attain the jobs they want.

  • Realistic exercises, completed using Medisoft, that cover what students will see working in actual medical practices, no matter what software those practices might use.

  • An understanding of the medical billing cycle and how completing the related tasks will positively affect the financial wellbeing of a medical practice.

Here’s what you and your students can expect from Case Studies, 8e:

  • Coverage of Medisoft® Advanced Version 17 patient billing software, a full-featured software program, including screen captures showing how the concepts described in the book actually look in the medical billing software.

  • Both a tutorial and a simulation of Medisoft®, using a medical office setting, Polaris Medical Group, and related patient data.

  • A program that builds important skills for handling computerized billing tasks in medical offices.

  • A chance to perform various jobs during the simulation, reinforcing essential skills such as inputting patient information, scheduling appointments, and handling billing, reports, and insurance claims.

  • An opportunity for students to exhibit the ability to research facts, think through priorities, and analyze problems.

  • Realistic exercises, completed using Medisoft®, that cover what students will see working in actual medical practices, no matter what software those practices might use.

  • An understanding of the medical billing cycle and how completing the related tasks will positively affect the financial well-being of a medical practice.

Instructors: To experience this product firsthand, contact your McGraw-Hill Education Learning Technology Specialist.