The eighth edition of CiMO reflects a major change that is coming in the healthcare field—the change from ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes to ICD-10-CM codes. While students will gain a thorough understanding of the new coding system in separate courses, it is important that they begin using the codes in practice. CiMO, 8e provides this practice. Users familiar with earlier editions will also notice that we have moved from Medisoft Version 16 to Medisoft Version 17 this time, rather than our usual practice of moving up two versions of Medisoft. We did this because Medisoft 17 was already on the market and was ICD-10-CM and HIPAA 5010 ready, while Medisoft Version 18 is not expected to be released until the fourth quarter of 2012, or later. We wanted our students to start preparing for this major transition as soon as possible.
Key content changes include:
Medisoft Version 17 is used for all databases and illustrations (screen captures).
ICD-10-CM codes are included in the diagnosis code database.
HIPAA/Federal Legislation-Related
Content and database enhanced to accommodate new HIPAA 5010 transactions (the new version of the X12 standards for HIPAA transactions).
Coverage of the HITECH Act and meaningful use.
Coverage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
New Looking Ahead to Your Career feature.
Chapter 1: New key terms: accountable care organization (ACO), Affordable Care Act (ACA), HCPCS, meaningful use, medical documentation and billing cycle, National Health Information Network (NHIN), patient-centered medical home(PCMH), revenue cycle management; Chapters 1 and 2 of CiMO, 7e have been combined into a single chapter; some key terms and content from the previous Chapters 1 and 2 have been moved into relevant chapters throughout the book; medical billing cycle has been expanded to medical documentation and billing cycle, to reflect the interplay between clinical and billing tasks in the medical practice; new section on the impact of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009. Explanation of meaningful use incentives to encourage the adoption and implementation of electronic health records (EHRs), the role of regional extension centers, and health information exchanges; explanation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and its effects on the physician practice, including new methods of delivering and paying for healthcare, such as the formation of accountable care organizations and patient-centered medical homes.
Chapter 2: Contains content from Chapter 3 of CiMO, 7e; updated for Medisoft Version 17.
Chapter 3: New key term: recall list; contains content from Chapter 11 of CiMO, 7e; scheduling was moved to the front of the book to more realistically reflect office workflow; new content on appointment status, checking in a patient, and patient eligibility; new exercises for checking in a patient and checking insurance eligibility.
Chapter 4: Coverage of Race, Ethnicity, Language fields in Patient/Guarantor dialog box, new fields required under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Chapter 5: New key terms: crossover claim, progress notes; coverage of changes to Case folder including Policy tabs (Group Name), Diagnosis tab (Diag 1–12, Allergies and EDI Notes moved out), Condition tab (new condition codes), and Comment tab (Allergies, EDI Notes, Contract Information); new exercise for copying a case.
Chapter 6: New key term: walkout receipt
Chapter 7: New key terms: high-deductible health plan with savings account (HDHP/SO), indemnity plan, point-of-service (POS) plan; new exercise using a clickable CMS-1500 form that shows where the information in each box on the claim form is stored in Medisoft; new exercise for performing an electronic claim edit check.
Chapter 8: New exercise: Enter and apply a patient payment received by mail.
Chapter 9: New section on the importance of accounts receivable reports; new information on how to save a report as a PDF.
Chapter 10: New key term: timely filing; new content on importance of following up on insurance claims.
Chapters 11–14: Exercises have been reordered to better reflect the flow of tasks in the medical office; exercises in Chapters 11–13 contain fewer step-by-step instructions and are designed to provide students with an opportunity to determine how well they have learned the skills in earlier chapters before moving on to Chapter 14.
Key changes for Case Studies include:
Medisoft Version 17 is used for all databases and illustrations (screen captures).
ICD-10-CM codes are included in the diagnosis code database.
HIPAA/Federal Legislation-Related
Content and database enhanced to accommodate new HIPAA 5010 transactions (the new version of the X12 standards for HIPAA transactions).
Part 2
Enhanced coverage of office policy regarding smartphones, tablet computers, and social networking.
Part 4
All source documents updated for ICD-10-CM and HIPAA 5010.