CONNECT: Sanderson
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
CONNECT: Computers in the Medical Office, 8/e

Susan M. Sanderson, CPEHR

ISBN: 0023402133
Copyright year: 2013


You can rely on the following materials to help you and your students work through the material in the book, all of which are available on the book’s website, (instructors can request a password through their sales representative):


Instructor’s Manual
(organized by
Learning Outcomes)



—Sample Syllabi and Lesson Plans
—Answer Keys for all exercises with tagging for Learning Outcomes, Level of Difficulty, and Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy
—Documentation of Steps and Screenshots for Medisoft Exercises


Presentations (organized
by Learning Outcomes)


—Key Terms
—Key Concepts
—Teaching Notes


Electronic Testbank



—EZ Test Online (Computerized)
—Word Version
—Questions have tagging for Learning Outcomes, Level of Difficulty, Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy, and Feedback


Tools to Plan Course



—Correlations of the Learning Outcomes to Accrediting Bodies such as CAHIIM, ABHES, and CAAHEP
—Sample Syllabi and Lesson Plans
—Conversion Guide for CiMO, 7e to CiMO, 8e
—Asset Map—clickable PDF with links to all key supplements, broken down by Learning Outcomes, as well as information on the content available through Connect Plus


Medisoft Advanced
Version 17 Tools



McGraw-Hill Guide to Success for CiMO, 8e
—Technical Support Information
—First Day of Class PowerPoint Presentation
—Installation Videos and Directions
—Student Data File
—Backup and Restore Videos, Directions, and Files for live Medisoft use. (The Medisoft backup files are an important resource if students make mistakes with their data and you want them to have the correct data to start the next chapter.)
—Certificate of Completion


CMS-1500 and UB-04



—Electronic versions of both forms


Case Studies for Use
with Computers in the
Medical Office, 8e


This book provides a capstone simulation using Medisoft® Advanced Version 17. It offers students enhanced training that is meant to improve their qualifications for a variety of medical office jobs. Extensive hands-on practice with realistic source documents teaches students to input information, schedule appointments, and handle billing, reports, and other essential tasks. The book provides additional activities, including more complex activities for advanced students. On the website you will find:
—Instructor’s Manual with Sample Syllabi and Answer Keys
—PowerPoint Presentations
—Conversion Guides
—Correlations to Accrediting Bodies
—Asset Map
—Information on how to load Student Data File for this book and CiMO at the same time

Instructors: To experience this product firsthand, contact your McGraw-Hill Education Learning Technology Specialist.