Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 1:
A View of LifeLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes. How to Define Life- List the four characteristics shared by all living organisms.
- Define emergent property in reference to the levels of organization of living organisms.
- Explain why maintaining homeostasis is critical for living organisms.
- Describe how the process of reproduction leads to the evolution of species.
Evolution, the Unifying Concept of Biology
- List the 8 basic taxa of classification of living organisms, from most inclusive to least inclusive.
- List the 4 domains and give an example of the types of organisms found in each.
- Explain how natural selection leads to changes in the composition of a species over long periods of time.
How the Biosphere is Organized
- Define ecosystem and briefly explain how living organisms within the ecosystem may interact.
- Explain why biodiversity is important, and the various factors that threaten biodiversity in many ecosystems worldwide.
The Process of Science
- List the stages of the scientific method.
- Explain the process of forming a scientific hypothesis.
- Contrast inductive reasoning with deductive reasoning.
- Describe the process of formation of scientific theories, and list some of the basic theories in modern biology.
- Explain the benefits and limitations of using statistical studies in science.
- Compare and contrast a field study with an investigative study.