Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 17:
Speciation and MacroevolutionLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.
Separation of the Species
- Compare and contrast the evolutionary species concept with the biological species concept.
- List and give examples of five prezygotic isolating mechanisms and three postzygotic isolating mechanisms.
Modes of Speciation
- Describe and give examples of allopatric speciation including adaptive radiation.
- Describe and give examples of sympatric speciation including alloploidy.
Principles of Macroevolution
- Compare and contrast the gradualistic model of speciation with the punctuated equilibrium model.
- Use the fossil diversity of the Burgess Shale to support the punctuated equilibrium model.
- Give examples to show that Hox genes probably play a role in macroevolution.
- Use the evolution of the horse to show that evolution is not goal oriented.