Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 18:
Origin and History of LifeLearning Outcomes After studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.
Origin of Life
- Outline two hypotheses for the origin of small organic molecules.
- Discuss why RNA, instead of DNA or protein, may have been the first macromolecule.
- Describe a means by which the protocell may have evolved.
History of Life
- Use the geologic timescale to trace macroevolution in broad outline.
- Use a 24-hour day to show that most of the history of life on Earth pertains to unicellular organisms and life in the oceans.
- Discuss significant events during the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic era.
Factors That Influence Evolution
- Give examples to show that continental drift and meteorite impacts contribute to mass extinctions and the history of life on Earth.