Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 19:
Systematics and PhylogenyLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.
Systematics. - Explain the binomial naming system, and name the eight main classification categories.
- Explain why the Linnaean classification system forms a hierarchy.
Phylogenetic Trees- Give an example that shows how Linnaean classification reflects phylogeny.
- Show how to construct a cladogram when given the necessary data.
- Distinguish monophyletic clade from a paraphyletic group and a polyphyletic group.
- Explain how systematists use the fossil record, homology, and a molecular clock to trace phylogeny.
The Three-Domain System
- Explain the rationale for the three-domain classification system.
- Use the three-domain system to classify organisms.