Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 2:
Basic ChemistryLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes. Chemical Elements- Distinguish between matter, elements, and atoms.
- Name the six elements that are basic to life.
- Describe the structure of an atom.
- Tell why an atom can have isotopes.
- Give examples of how low levels and high levels of radiation can each be helpful.
Compounds and Molecules- Explain the periodic table of the elements.
- State, explain, and give examples of the octet rule.
- Distinguish between ionic bond, a covalent bond, and a hydrogen bond.
- Be able to recognize and construct molecules that contain these bonds.
Chemistry of Water- List and describe four properties of water that benefit organisms.
Acids and Bases- Distinguish between acids and bases.
- Explain and use the pH scale.
- Describe a buffer and tell how buffers assist organisms.