Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 22:
Fungi Evolution and DiversityLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.
Evolution and Characteristics of Fungi - Compare and contrast fungal and animal heterotrophism.
- List the five major groups within kingdom Fungi, and describe their divergence from a common ancestor.
- State what may be surmised about the common ancestor of fungi.
- Describe the general structure of a fungus.
- Explain how both sexual and asexual reproduction occurs in fungi.
- Define dikaryotic and explain how the dikaryotic state fits into the fungal life cycle.
Diversity of Fungi- Relate the defining characteristics of each of the five major groups of fungi.
- Summarize the life cycle of a black bread mold.
- Provide examples of the ecological and economic significance of fungi.
- Provide examples of human health problems caused by fungi.
- Summarize the life cycle of a mushroom.
Symbiotic Relationships of Fungi- Name the two components of a lichen, and list the three types of lichens.
- Describe the mutualistic relationship between a mycorrhizae and plants.
Health Focus: Deadly Fungi- Give examples of how consuming certain fungi can be dangerous for humans.