Biology (Mader), 10th Edition

Chapter 26: Flowering Plants: Control of Growth Responses

No Mow Grass

Objective: Students will be able to identify how mechanisms that control plant growth could be used to make grass grow healthy but never have to be cut.

Click here for more information regarding this video and its quiz questions.


What is the key component, identified in this video, to controlling plant growth?
D)frequent cuttings

Blocking these regulatory hormones
A)causes the plants to turn yellow.
B)increases the amount of pollen the grasses produce.
C)causes the plant to be significantly smaller.
D)produces larger fruits.

What has been found to be a secondary benefit to blocking the steroids affect on the grass?
A)The plants stop aging
B)The plants produce bigger leaves.
C)The stems are notably thicker.
D)The plants produce less fruit.
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