Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 27:
Flowering Plants: ReproductionLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.
Sexual Reproductive Strategies - Explain an overall diagram of the flowering plant life cycle, with emphasis on adaptation to the land environment.
- Label a diagram of a flower, and give a function for each part labeled.
- Identify the male gametophyte and the female gametophyte of flowering plants.
- Describe the outcome of double fertilization in flowering plants.
Seed Development- Divide development of the embryo into six stages, and label the three main parts of a seed.
Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal- Give examples of fleshy and dry fruits. Distinguish between simple, compound, aggregate, and accessory fruits.
- Compare and contrast germination of a bean plant and a corn plant. Compare a bean seed to a corn kernel.
Asexual Reproductive Strategies- Give examples to show that plants can reproduce asexually.
- Describe how tissue culture can be used to clone plants with desirable traits.