Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 30:
Human EvolutionLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.
Evolution of Primates - Describe the trends in the evolution of primate characteristics.
- Outline the sequence of primate evolution.
Evolution of Humanlike Hominins- Discuss the adaptations of the human skeleton for standing.
- List examples of the earliest humanlike Hominins.
- Trace the evolution of the modern humans from the early Hominins.
Evolution of Later Hominins - Compare and contrast the two types of australopiths.
- Explain the significance of the "Lucy" and "Salem" fossils.
Evolution of Early Homo- Distinguish members of the genus Homo from other Hominins.
- List the different species within the genus Homo and place them in the context of the evolution of modern humans.
- Explain why it is hypothesized that a prolonged development of the hominin brain led to the evolution of modern humans.
- Discuss the importance of the biocultural evolution in early Homo species.
Evolution of Later Homo- Show why the "replacement model" is the most widely accepted hypothesis for the evolution of modern humans from archaic humans.
- Describe Neandertals.
- List the characteristics of Cro-Magnons.
- Explain the variations in today's humans.
- Outline the evidence supporting a recent common ancestor for modern human populations.