Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 31:
Animal Organization and HomeostasisLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.
Types of Tissues - Give the broad functions of the four main types of tissues.
- Outline the characteristics of epithelial tissue.
- List and describe the different types of epithelial tissue.
- Outline the characteristics of connective tissue.
- List and describe the different types of connective tissue.
- Outline the characteristics of muscle tissue.
- Compare and contrast the three types of muscle tissue.
- Outline the characteristics of nervous tissue.
- Describe the types of cells found in nervous tissue.
- Discuss recent advancements in treatment of spinal cord and nerve damage.
Organs and Organ Systems- Define the terms organ and organ system.
- List the functions of skin.
- Distinguish between the major layers of skin.
- Describe the accessory organs of the skin.
Homeostasis- Discuss the concept of homeostasis in living organisms.
- Use the concept of negative feedback to explain body temperature control in humans.
- Explain the concept of positive feedback using labor and delivery in humans as an example.