Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 33:
Lymph Transport and ImmunityLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes. The Lymphatic System - Discuss four functions of the lymphatic system.
- Describe the structure and function of the lymphatic vessels.
- Give the chief functions of four lymphatic organs and three patches of lymphatic tissue.
Nonspecific Defense Against Disease- Group the first responders into four categories and describe each category.
- Discuss how a fever could be part of the body's first and second lines of defense.
- Describe the inflammatory response in terms of four events.
Specific Defense Against Disease- Distinguish between a foreign antigen and a self-antigen.
- Describe the role of B cells and antibody-mediated immunity.
- Distinguish between active and passive immunity.
- Discuss the research and medical uses of monoclonal antibodies.
- Describe the role to T cells and cell-mediated immunity.
- Tell how cytokines can be helpful in cancer therapy.
Immunity Side Effects
- Explain the role of MHC antigens in tissue rejection.
- Name several autoimmune diseases, and tell the symptoms of each.
- Distinguish between immediate and delayer allergic responses.