Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 38:
Sense OrgansLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.
Chemical Senses - Define chemoreceptor.
- Describe the structure and function of a taste bud.
- List the five primary types of taste.
- Describe the structure, location, and function of the olfactory epithelium.
Sense of Vision- Compare and contrast the compound eye with the camera-type eye.
- Distinguish between stereoscopic vision and panoramic vision.
- List the parts of the human eye and their functions.
- Explain how the human eye focuses.
- Describe the structure and function of a photoreceptor, and distinguish between rods and cones.
- Explain how the structure of the retina enables the integration of visual signals.
Senses of Hearing and Balance- Define mechanoreceptor.
- List the parts of the human ear and their functions.
- Describe the structure of the organ of Corti and relate its structure to the process of hearing.
- Distinguish between rotational and gravitational equilibrium and describe the structures responsible for detecting them.
- Describe the structure and function of the lateral line system and the statocyst.
Health Focus: Protecting Vision and Hearing- List some of the most commonly-encountered threats to vision and hearing, and explain how to protect yourself from them.