Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 42:
Animal DevelopmentLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.
Early Developmental Stages
- Describe the events of fertilization, including the prevention of polyspermy.
- Describe the major events of embryonic development, encompassing the cellular, tissue, and organ stages.
- Describe the process of gastrulation.
- Name the three germ layers and the organs to which they give rise.
- Describe the process of neurulation.
Developmental Processes
- Describe the three processes necessary for development: growth, cellular differentiation, and morphogenesis.
- Explain the role of induction in development; describe induction in the frog and in C. elegans.
- Summarize morphogenesis in the Drosophila embryo.
- Define homeotic gene.
Human Embryonic and Fetal Development
- List the four extraembryonic membranes and relate their functions.
- Describe the major developmental milestones of the embryonic and fetal periods.
- Describe the structure and function of the placenta.
- Summarize the three stages of parturition.
Health Focus: Preventing and Testing for Birth Defects
- Discuss the most common causes of birth defects.
- Describe three methods of prenatal testing for genetic defects.