Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 44:
Population EcologyLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.
Scope of Ecology - Explain what aspects of biology, the study of ecology, encompasses.
Demographics of Populations - Recognize how environmental conditions affect the density and distribution patterns of a population.
- Know how to interpret survivorship curves and life tables.
- Recognize how the proportion of individuals at varying reproductive stages determines a population's age distribution.
Population Growth Models
- Describe exponential population growth and the circumstances that encourage it.
- Characterize logistic growth and the carrying capacity of a population.
Regulation of Population Size
- Contrast density-independent and density-dependent factors that affect population size.
Life History Patterns
- Describe the two life history patterns of species.
Human Population Growth
- Review the past and present growth of the human population.
- Explain how human population growth places pressure on Earth's resources.