Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 6:
Metabolism: Energy and EnzymesLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.
Cells and the Flow of Energy
- State and apply two energy laws to energy transformations.
Metabolic Reactions and Energy Transformations
- Give reasons why ATP is called the energy currency in cells.
- Give examples to show how ATP hydrolysis is coupled to energy-requiring reactions.
Metabolic Pathways and Enzymes
- Describe a metabolic pathway and how they function.
- Explain how enzymes lower the energy of activation and speed chemical reactions.
- List conditions that affect enzyme speed.
- Explain how a cell can use enzyme inhibition to regulate metabolism.
Organelles and the Flow of Energy
- Describe how chloroplasts and mitochondria both use redox reactions, an electrons transport chain, and chemiosmosis to produce ATP.