Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 7:
PhotosynthesisLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.
Photosynthetic Organisms - List the types of organisms that carry on photosynthesis.
- Identify the main pars of a chloroplast.
- Show that photosynthesis is a redox reaction that produces a carbohydrate and releases O2.
The Process of Photosynthesis
- Divide photosynthesis into two sets of reactions, and associate each set with either capture of solar energy or reduction of carbon dioxide.
Plants as Solar Energy Converters
- Explain why leaves are green, with reference to the electromagnetic spectrum.
- Trace the path of an excited electron from its absorption of solar energy to the production of ATP and NADPH.
- Describe how the thylakoid membrane is organized to produce ATP.
Calvin Cycle Reactions
- Describe the three phases of the Calvin cycle, and indicate when ATP and/or NADPH are involved.
- Draw a diagram showing that G3P is a pivotal molecule in a plant's metabolic pathway.
Other Types of Photosynthesis
- Compare and contrast three modes of photosynthesis and tell how each is adapted to a particular environment.