Biology (Mader), 10th EditionChapter 8:
Cellular RespirationLearning OutcomesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes. Cellular Respiration
- Write the overall reaction for glucose breakdown and show that it is a redox reaction.
- Discuss the role of oxidation-reduction enzymes.
- State the four phases of cellular respiration and tell where each occurs in the cell.
Outside the Mitochondria: Glycolysis
- Contrast the energy-investment step of glycolysis with the energy-harvesting steps.
- Summarize glycolysis by stating the inputs and outputs of the pathway.
- Explain the benefits and drawbacks of fermentation.
Inside the Mitochondria
- Show that glucose products are broken down completely during the preparatory reaction and the citric acid cycle.
- Give the net gain of substrate level ATP synthesis and NADH as a result of these pathways.
- Describe how the cristae are organized to produce ATP.
Metabolic Pool
- Show how catabolism of protein and fat utilizes the same pathways as glucose breakdown.
- Compare and contrast the organization and structure of mitochondria and chloroplasts and how they permit a flow of energy through living things.