Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology (Shier), 12th EditionChapter 1:
Introduction to Human Anatomy and PhysiologyLearning Outcomes1.1 Introduction 1 Identify some of the early discoveries that lead to our current understanding of the human body. 1.2 Anatomy and Physiology 2 Explain how anatomy and physiology are related. 1.3 Levels of Organization 3 List the levels of organization in the human body and the characteristics of each. 1.4 Characteristics of Life 4 List and describe the major characteristics of life. 5 Give examples of metabolism. 1.5 Maintenance of Life 6 List and describe the major requirements of organisms. 7 Explain the importance of homeostasis to survival. 8 Describe the parts of a homeostatic mechanism and explain how they function together. 1.6 Organization of the Human Body 9 Identify the locations of the major body cavities. 10 List the organs located in each major body cavity. 11 Name and identify the locations of the membranes associated with the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities. 12 Name the major organ systems, and list the organs associated with each. 13 Describe the general function of each organ system. 1.7 Life-Span Changes 14 For each decade of life, identify the levels of organization in the body at which aging occurs. 1.8 Anatomical Terminology 15 Properly use the terms that describe relative positions, body sections, and body regions.
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