Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology (Shier), 12th EditionChapter 18:
Nutrition and MetabolismLearning Outcomes 18.1 Introduction 1 Distinguish among nutrition, nutrients, and essential nutrients. 2 Explain appetite control. 18.2–18.4 Carbohydrates–Proteins 3 List the major sources of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. 4 Describe how cells use carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. 5 Identify examples of positive and negative nitrogen balance. 18.5 Energy Expenditures 6 Explain how energy values of foods are determined. 7 Explain the factors that affect an individual's energy requirements. 8 Contrast the physiological impact of positive and negative energy balance. 9 Explain what is meant by desirable weight. 18.6 Vitamins 10 List the fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins and summarize the general functions of each vitamin. 18.7 Minerals 11 Distinguish between a vitamin and a mineral. 12 List the major minerals and trace elements and summarize the general functions of each. 18.8 Healthy Eating 13 Describe an adequate diet. 14 Distinguish between primary and secondary malnutrition. 18.9 Life-Span Changes 15 List the factors that may lead to inadequate nutrition later in life.
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