Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology (Shier), 12th EditionChapter 19:
Respiratory SystemLearning Outcomes 19.1 Introduction 1 Identify the general functions of the respiratory system. 19.2 Why We Breathe 2 Explain why respiration is necessary for cellular survival. 19.3 Organs of the Respiratory System 3 Name and describe the locations of the organs of the respiratory system. 4 Describe the functions of each organ of the respiratory system. 19.4 Breathing Mechanism 5 Explain how inspiration and expiration are accomplished. 6 Describe each of the respiratory air volumes and capacities. 7 Show how alveolar ventilation rate is calculated. 8 List several nonrespiratory air movements, and explain how each occurs. 19.5 Control of Breathing 9 Locate the respiratory areas, and explain control of normal breathing. 10 Discuss how various factors affect breathing. 19.6 Alveolar Gas Exchanges 11 Describe the structure and function of the respiratory membrane. 12 Explain the importance of partial pressure in diffusion of gases. 19.7 Gas Transport 13 Explain how the blood transports oxygen and carbon dioxide. 14 Describe gas exchange in the pulmonary and systemic circuits. 19.8 Life-Span Changes 15 Describe the effects of aging on the respiratory system.
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