Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology (Shier), 12th EditionChapter 8:
Joints of the Skeletal SystemLearning Outcomes8.1 Introduction 1 List the functions of joints. 8.2 Classification of Joints 2 Explain how joints can be classified according to the type of tissue
that binds the bones together. 3 Describe how bones of fibrous joints are held together. 4 Describe how bones of cartilaginous joints are held together. 8.3 General Structure of a Synovial Joint 5 Describe the general structure of a synovial joint. 8.4 Types of Synovial Joints 6 Distinguish among the six types of synovial joints and name an example of each type. 8.5 Types of Joint Movements 7 Explain how skeletal muscles produce movements at joints, and identify several types of joint movements. 8.6 Examples of Synovial Joints 8 Describe the shoulder joint and explain how its articulating parts are held together. 9 Describe the elbow, hip, and knee joints and explain how their articulating parts are held together. 8.7 Life-Span Changes 10 Describe life-span changes in joints.
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