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Discussion Questions
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  1. Why do we need people-centered organizations?

  2. What reasons do you have for wanting (or not wanting) to study OB?

  3. What is your personal experience with Theory X and Theory Y managers (see Table 1-1 in your text)? Which did you prefer? Why?

  4. How would you respond to someone who said total quality management was just a fad, it's not relevant today?

  5. What are your personal experiences with e-leadership? What practical lessons have you learned?

  6. What are you doing to build human and social capital?

  7. Based on either personal experience as a manager or on your observation of managers in action, are the 11 skills in Table 1-3 a realistic portrayal of what managers do?

  8. Why is a contingency approach to management necessary today?

  9. Is Carroll's Global Corporate Social Responsibility Pyramid a good conceptual model for putting corporate social responsibility and business ethics into proper perspective? Explain.

  10. Based on what you have just read, what will it take to foster more ethical conduct in today's workplaces?

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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