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How Intel Builds Human Capital

Whether you realize it or not, you are building human capital by going to school, taking classes, attending a training program, reading, or pursuing a program of self-study. The human capital in this case is you! As mentioned in this chapter, Intel is an inspiring leader in building human capital because of its deep commitment to improving the quality of education. The purpose of this exercise is to learn more about human capital and what one company is actually doing to build it.

Go to and use the links on the left to browse the various topical areas and make a list of the various ways Intel is helping education and students.

How many different educational-support programs did you identify? Were you surprised by the extent of Intel's commitment to education? About how much is it costing Intel?
How would you respond to this statement? "Intel is wasting its money because very few of the affected students will ever work for Intel."
What evidence of social capital did you find in this search? Explain.
How do we need to improve the nation's human capital to compete successfully in the global economy and Internet age?
What changes need to be made in the education system to build better human capital?

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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