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Chapter Objectives
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When you finish studying the material in this chapter, you should be able to:

  1. Identify the four sociological criteria of a group, and explain the role of equity in the Workplace Social Exchange Network (WSEN) model.

  2. Describe the five stages in Tuckman's theory of group development, and discuss the threat of group decay.

  3. Distinguish between role conflict and role ambiguity.

  4. Contrast roles and norms, and specify four reasons norms are enforced in organizations.

  5. Distinguish between task and maintenance roles in groups.

  6. Summarize the practical contingency management implications for group size.

  7. Discuss why managers need to carefully handle mixed-gender task groups.

  8. Describe groupthink, and identify at least four of its symptoms.

  9. Define social loafing, and explain how managers can prevent it.

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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