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Self-Assessment Test for Communication and Social Skills

Managers and team leaders, who are responsible for getting things accomplished with and through others, simply cannot be effective if they are unable to interact skillfully in social settings. As with any skill development program, you need to know where you are before constructing a learning agenda for where you want to be.

Go to and in the search box on the top right, type in "Communication Skills." Click on the Communication Skill Test (not the abridged test), and click that you agree to personal use only and begin the test. (Note: Our use of this site is for instructional purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement of any products that may or may not suit your needs. There is no obligation to buy anything.)

Complete the 38-item test. Read through the comments concerning your score on the test. If you have time, some of the other assessments are interesting, enlightening, and fun. We recommend the following: Leadership Test, Management Skills Test, Emotional IQ Test, and Social Skills Test.

Possible scores on the self-assessment questionnaire range from 0 to 100. How did you score? Are you pleasantly (or unpleasantly) surprised by your score?
What is your strongest social/communication skill?
Reviewing the questionnaire item by item, can you find obvious weak spots in your social/communication skills? For instance, are you a poor listener? Do you interrupt too often? Do you need to be more aware of others, both verbally and nonverbally? Do you have a hard time tuning into others' feelings or expressing your own feelings? How do you handle disagreement?
Based on the results of this questionnaire, what is your learning agenda for improving your social and communication skills.

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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