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Discussion Questions
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  1. Which of the following would qualify as a sociological group: a crowd watching a baseball game? One of the baseball teams? Explain.

  2. What is your opinion about employees being friends with their coworkers?

  3. What is your personal experience with groups that failed to achieve stage 4 of group development? At which stage did they stall? Why? Have you observed group decay? Explain.

  4. Considering your current lifestyle, how many different roles are you playing? What sorts of role conflict and role ambiguity are you experiencing?

  5. What norms do college students usually enforce in class? How are they enforced?

  6. Which roles do you prefer to play in work groups: task or maintenance? How could you do a better job in this regard?

  7. How would you respond to a manager who made the following statement: "When it comes to the size of work groups, the bigger the better."?

  8. Are women typically at a disadvantage in mixed-gender work groups? Give your rationale.

  9. Have you ever been a victim of either the Asch effect or groupthink? Explain the circumstances.

  10. Have you observed any social loafing recently? What were the circumstances and what could be done to correct the problem?

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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