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Discussion Questions
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  1. What role do emotions play in decision making?

  2. Do you think people are rational when they make decisions? Under what circumstances would an individual tend to follow a rational process?

  3. Describe a situation in which you satisficed when making a decision. Why did you satisfice instead of optimize?

  4. To what extent does the garbage can model accurately describe the decision-making process in organizations? Explain.

  5. Which of the decision making biases most significantly influences our decisions? Explain.

  6. Do you think knowledge management will become more important in the future? Explain your rationale.

  7. Why would decision-making styles be a source of interpersonal conflict?

  8. Do you prefer to solve problems in groups or by yourself? Why?

  9. Do you think you are creative? Why or why not?

  10. What advice would you offer to a manager who was attempting to improve the creativity of his or her employees?

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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