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Chapter Objectives
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When you finish studying the material in this chapter, you should be able to:

  1. Discuss the external and internal forces that create the need for organizational change.

  2. Describe Lewin's change model and the systems model of change.

  3. Discuss Kotter's eight steps for leading organizational change.

  4. Define organization development (OD), and demonstrate your familiarity with its four identifying characteristics.

  5. Summarize the 11 reasons employees resist change.

  6. Discuss the five personal characteristics related to resistance to change.

  7. Identify alternative strategies for overcoming resistance to change.

  8. Define the term stress, and describe the model of occupational stress.

  9. Discuss the stress moderators of social support, hardiness, and Type A behavior.

  10. Discuss employee assistance programs (EAPs) and a holistic approach toward stress reduction.

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