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Discussion Questions
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  1. Which of the external forces for change do you believe will prompt the greatest change between now and the year 2015?

  2. Have you worked in an organization where internal forces created change? Describe the situation and the resulting change.

  3. How would you respond to a manager who made the following statement? "Unfreezing is not important, employees will follow my directives."

  4. What are some useful methods that can be used to refreeze an organizational change?

  5. Have you ever observed the systems model of change in action? Explain what occurred.

  6. Have you ever resisted a change at work? Explain the circumstances and your thinking at the time.

  7. Which source of resistance to change do you think is the most common? Which is the most difficult for management to deal with?

  8. Describe the behavioral and physiological symptoms you have observed in others when they are under stress.

  9. How can someone increase their hardiness and reduce their Type A behavior?

  10. Have you used any of the stress-reduction techniques? Evaluate their effectiveness.

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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