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Discussion Questions
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  1. Which type of value, terminal or instrumental, is more powerful in influencing your behavior?

  2. Have you ever encountered a lack of value congruence or person-culture fit? What did you do about this situation?

  3. What is your experience with work/family conflict, and what useful lessons did you learn from our discussion of it?

  4. Is it easier to change an employee's attitudes or values? Explain.

  5. Have you ever experienced cognitive dissonance? Describe the situation and your solution for reconciling the dissonance.

  6. How could a specific intention you have at this time be explained with Ajzen's model of planned behavior?

  7. Describe a situation in which you had high organizational commitment. What made you feel this way?

  8. If you were a manager, which of the three key work attitudes-organizational commitment, job involvement, and job satisfaction-would be most important to cultivate in your employees? Explain your rationale.

  9. Do you believe that job satisfaction is partly a function of both personal traits and genetic factors? Explain.

  10. Do you think job satisfaction leads directly to better job performance? Provide your rationale.

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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