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Internet Exercise
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You learned in this chapter that many employees struggle to achieve a work/family balance. When juggling work and family, we sometimes forget to pencil in time for ourselves. Part of being able to juggle these responsibilities is based on our ability to manage our time effectively. This is true for success in your education as well. The purpose of this exercise is to learn how effectively you use your time on achieving tasks.

Go to In the search box on the top right, type in "Time Management Test." Click the abridged time management test and agree to "Personal Use Only" and begin. (Note: Our use of this site is for instructional purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement of any products that may or may not suit your needs. There is no obligation to buy anything.). Complete the 10-item test and read their interpretation of your test score.

Use the following norms to interpret your results. If you scored 50% or higher, you seem to have a decent grasp on time management. If you scored less than 50% you are well on your way to the higher stress levels associated with poor time management. Did your results surprise you? Why or why not?
Do you find it hard to set aside time for yourself? Why or why not? Do you think your time management skills help or hinder your ability to get tasks done and find time for yourself?
Even if you scored well on this assessment, what are some ways you can increase your personal time without negatively affecting your work or family life?

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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